New companion pets not flying

The new companion pets that are supposed to fly with the character stay on the ground and just either follow the flying character from the ground or spawn on top of the character and then fall down whilst flying.
The pets include (but not limited to): Eye of Corruption, Voidglower and Oasis Void-Duster.
Submitted a bug report but wanted to see if other people experience the same problem.
Update: It appears Ra’kim (The Shadowbarb Hatchling pet model) does fly with the character.

**This is a copy of a post made in wrong section

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leafy flutterwing and shore butterfly disappear as soon as you lift off.
now those are real issues the devs have to address asap :upside_down_face:

Its like they don’t even care…

This have been an issue since BFA launched, whole xpack without them acknowledging it - extremely annoying, i would really like for my raven companion pet NOT to stay at ground level, it looks ridiculous. It was fine in Legion, don’t see how they messed half of the flying pets up.

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