New cosmetic glyph for throw glaive!

Seems like we are getting a glyph that has us throw our current weapon instead of the little green version of the warglaive, this is really neat little addition, even better now that throw glaive is an integral part of the HDH rotation.

Love to see things like this! Only issue being that I want more! More cool cosmetic glyphs, more wings customisations, more tattoo patterns, different demon form options, immolation aura colors, eye beam colors etc. (Maybe even a demon flight form one day, though that might upset the evoker mains hehe)

This is a great addition though and makes me have hope that they are still thinking of us and not just the dated class from legion they don’t care about anymore. Keep it up!

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been asking for a long time for a meta update model, or at least let me use the model from mythic guldan night hold last phase, and I get a throw glaive glyph … , I do not even use that ability that much, only for fodder to the flame and sometimes to help that tank kite, also what happened to my damage in m+, sp, feral, rogue deal way more damage, I barely get invited to m+, why do u charge me monthly if the class balance is in beta state man…small indie company…

If you play soulrend then throw glaive is one of your highest prio abilities ! In AoE especially you want to be pressing it all the time. And what do you mean low damage, havoc is absolutely pumping , definitely up there with rogue and feral 100%.

100% agree on new demon forms though, especially that mythic guldan model.

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