New customization options for blood elves and void elves

I don’t think that’s possible. No matter how hard we might try to keep peace, others will find a way to start the fight. Honesty it feels like the faction conflict has reached the forums :joy: after ending ingame

Yes. Which explains our natural skin we are getting. What I mean is… the name tag won’t change. At the end of the day we are still Void elves. When you make a normal looking Void elf in Shadowlands, it will refer to you as a Void elf during the starting zone. You can only cosplay and pretend to be a High elf.

One of the ways you can do this is to

  • Get the Silver covenant tabard

  • Get a cool looking Helf Transmog

  • Get a cool looking Helf weapon. The legendary bow in the Sunwell raid is a really cool looking High elf weapon blue an everything.

Windrunner Bow artifact is also a good one to use. (I’m using it right now)

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Trust me Blizzard are aware of ALL these things. They knew by adding the skin and eyes people will request the hair colors. They knew some blood elves won’t be happy. But don’t worry they obv will deal with all these problems so everyone can be happy.

I’ll say this though, the elf community in wow is every bit as divisive as they are in-game. It’s quite fitting really.

Blizz announces upcoming Gnome customisations
Gnome community rejoices in a uniform tone

Blizz announces upcoming elf customisations
The Fifth War begins regarding what is, should be, shouldn’t be, isn’t enough and will never be enough as elves begin to claw at eachother with their finely manicured nails


Eagletalon PvP set from Legion season 1, Alliance version - you can’t go wrong there, especially if your aiming to be a proper High Elf Farstrider of Vereesa Windrunner’s Covenant.


High elf Farstriders wore Green during Warcraft 2 (which explains Alleria’s outfit)

Even Vereesa’s old outfit was green.

later on they wore Blue for a more Alliance color.

So both Blue and Green could work. I’m currently wearing a Green Cool looking Farstrider set with a Blue cape. You can easily get it by Low level dungeons and Quests.

(Vanalia here)

Well id like belfs to get the blue eyes as well it wasnt on your list. I’m still against them having the blonde haircolors but if that would come to pass your idea of giving both camps something different might be the way to go.

This made me giggle and is the reason why we can never become neutral race :smiley:

I did mention that, under the “both velf and belf get…” heading.

My bad then i guess i read it in a hurry i’m sorry :innocent:

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Depends give them a lighter color of some of the blood elf hair colors. I would love to have a light brown high elf :3

The part where we’ve been asking for high elves for 15 years, and are now reaching a compromise where we get high elf options included in the void elf race. Seeing as a lot of people want to play as high elves, as there are several high elf guilds where people are pretending their models look different from what they do. People have made artwork of their high elves based on options existing on high elf models in-game, written stories about them and more. Some play using blood elf models, trying their best to play as high elves, ignoring that they’re stuck in the Horde. Some have quit playing because they can’t stand being in the Horde, yet, their Thalassian, non-voided elves are what they’re drawn to.

We’re getting really, really close now, to finally play as actual high elf looking elves, as the high elf models we see in the Alliance. Not all of us will be satisfied with having to force our elves through the void. Our stories, our arts, the personalities we’ve made over the course of years now, are those of high elves that just don’t fit within the void frameworks. And so, we ask for these few final details, to finally lay a 15 years old request to rest.

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I agree with this but, they don’t need green eyes and such.

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Green eyes, golden eyes, jewellery, Silvermoon, hawkstriders snd Blood Knights are known blood elf features that high elves don’t need to get access to. More are coming and being suggested.

These don’t really look like blood elves, but can certainly work as high elves, don’t you guys think?


Yep and I think we could ask for these hair colors.

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That black hair though… it looks amazing on both Void skin and natural skin. I would use it 100% if it was an option (especially since my hair in real life is black)

The white hair looks nice too

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Blame the mindless stupid antis.

I like the brown :3 I really hope we will get these hair colors.

No, Sorry Aldo but I used to support your cause now I know its a toxic course I want nothing to do with it and I’ll oppose every step of the way.

You brought this on yourselves with your demands and the shutting down constantly of the players who are playing the “Horde” High Elves otherwise known as Blood Elves.

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We’ve lost your support? Does that mean we’ve also lost hope in Blizzard’s support? I’ll keep hoping despite having lost you.

But what do you think about the hair suggestions from Ramavatarama?