Blizzard did add a lot of new character customization options for some races a while back and I was hoping they would do the same for all playable races in World of Warcraft. Some are unfortunately lacking heavy in that regard (looking at you Kul Tiran). One of the most iconic races of World of Warcraft are the Darkspear trolls however and I would love to see them get some love when it comes to character customization (and maybe even some heritage armor? ). In some of the concept art from Blizzard they do have beards for example. Also in a lot of concept art and cutscenes they actually stand upright which would be a very welcomed option to have (such as orcs have). This would also solve the issue that gear currently clips heavily into the body of Darkspear trolls (helms and belts).
Here is a comparison between hunched stance and upright stance:
What character customization options would you like to see added for our beloved Darkspear trolls?
The Darkspear troll in the BfA cinematics has an upright stance. I think even the Warcraft 2 - 3 trolls had a normal stance, not sure why WoW decided they should look like Quasimodo.
To me them being so skinny and gangly always kept me from playing one.
It would be nice to have boots added for trolls (besides the ugly event ones) the toes really annoy me…there’s not a single druid race horde side that can use boots!