New DPS Rankings - We're pretty Meh (Fury) yet still getting another nerf

Looking at the post just now on WoWhead with Dps raid statistics for the week.

Quite literally bottom for DPS to bosses.
6th Bottom for overall damage.

Can you please come out, acknowledge you f’ed up, revert the PTR changes and actually give us a slight buff, please. Once again all stats pointing to massive overkill in nerfing. It will be EVEN worse in M+ if that nerf goes through.


What one should keep in mind tho, when looking at the rankings, is that WarcraftLogs, the site WoWhead pulls the data from decided to remove add “pad” from the listing. So that damage done is not shown, yet I doubt anyone would argue that adds got to die. There is a reason Fury warrior was brought into the race after all.

Now logs being trimmed really hurt the perception of Fury, as one of the main add-clearers, who basically unload all their CDs on this now hidden performance metric. We look a lot worse by doing our job.

If they didnt chose to hide the adds. Then Fury wouldn’t look to be in the state many now believe it to be. The balance of burst AoE vs ST would seem to have more value, to be more fair.

That in mind, I am not saying that Fury as an outlier on ST fights shouldn’t be helped to get closer into the pack. Nor am I saying that the top leads shouldn’t be reigned in. Those are changes that are likely good for the game overall (as weakness in raid, usually baloons out of control in other content). What I stress is:

Fury being bottom DPS on ST, yet super strong within its burst AoE niche, is totally fair. From a balance point in raid: Basically, we do that job, and we do it really well. So we not as good at other jobs. That is multiclass/spec balance in a nutshell. If we did it all, we would be broken in a bad way for class diversity in WoW.

Now, them nerfing the overall potential in M+ is a concern. Sure, we are still solid and a fine pick. We get the job done. But every little erosion, every little chip, takes some of that away.

The fear, and justified, is that continuously saying “this is fine, we are fine” will just end with us (Fury) suddenly not being that.

Never forget - for some that is the goal. To Fury just being “fine”, but not good enough to the point of them having to consider playing it. Those guys will do their damnedest to make everyone else say “this is fine”, be it by whip, ridicule or carrot.

Some classes can burst AoE similar to fury warrior while maintaining a strong single target dps.


kinda “delulu” :smiley: tbh

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