New expansion event items are they worth it?

Hello Everyone.

I recently resubscribed because SL was offered for free along the level 50 boost.
I assume Dragonflight expansion will be available in December.
I really enjoyed SL launching event, along all the items they offered.
I was even more happy when I found out that I could purchase SL items for my level 50 toons.

I’m planning to level 25 characters currently at level 50 to level 60 before the Dragonflight launch event in order to farm those items.
However I don’t think this time I will manage to get them as last time I had 10 characters, now I have 25.
Also there’s no guarantee that Dragonflight expansion items may be available for characters that aren’t level 61.

It would be a shame since this items are usually normal raid tier and they are quite handy since you can explore older expansions with a very good item level.

What’s your opinion ?

Thanks for your attention.


Hey bro, welcome back !

There are several ways to get items that are capped for lvl 60 :

  1. Anima gear at Zereth Mortis is 226
  2. AH greens are 229
  3. You can do open world activities for items up to 252
  4. I am guessing that pre-patch events will offer some items as well.

edit: normal dungeons are rewarding 236


Friendly and helpful as always Furyeclipser.

Thanks mate.


OK made some comparisons with BFA. So normal Nylotha rewards ilvl 100 and SL greens equip-able by lvl 50 are ilvl 93. If we assume that something like that will be added in DF then we can predict that ilvl of first ‘tier’ of DF greens will be at ilvl 262.

If i was you, i would get one toon of each armor type up to 60 before pre-patch event, just in case that there will be some nice rewards.



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I know, I know.
I’ve been reading the Forums and I know how terrible SL is.
As I wrote I’m aiming for level 60 as Dragonflight is coming soon and I need to update my characters.


Very nice.
I will do that.

Thank you.

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Welcome back!

Furyeclipser has already covered the bases.

I will just suggest that those 229 Greens, which are cheap and plentiful in the AH on most realms - typically a few hundred each - with maybe some supplement from WQ or dungeons, will fit a level 60 character out nicely to solo everything up to most of the way through Legion Mythic raids and BfA Mythic dungeons (modulo class and mechanics), and they will not be going away with DF, though no doubt they will get cheaper but scarcer.

They will provide a perfectly good baseline for the bulk of your future Level 60 alts. You can put a bit more into gearing the few you intend to feature.


Helpful and friendly as usually too.

Thank you Gráinne.

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