New Faction

It occurs to me every now and then that the Alliance and the Horde are not really the opposite sides of the coin. Well from a point yes:

  1. Human architecture is so planned and engineered, orcish is more natural even in the materials (wood, bones, pelts).
  2. Alliance races were happy with their peaceful lives before warlike orcs, trolls, and tauren came to conquest.

But their alignment is not the opposite. Alliance is good. As far as I’ve seen real good. But the Horde despite their ferociousness and warlike behavior NOT evil either. When it comes to world saving, the horde always does its part.

So I think there would be necessary to have a third faction. The evil races from the twisted types: Nagas, red skinned Fel Orcs, Satyrs…
I would try out a naga character.

Wouldn’t that be awesome?
And if you think yes, then what race would you like to play with?

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I think factions should just be a flavour choice. I don’t personally see any value in adding a third.

As for the Alliance being real good. Nope. Both sides have commited terrible acts. Level as Horde you see the terrible things Alliance do. Level as Alliance you see the terrible things Horde do.

New races are always welcome ofc but don’t need a new faction for that.

It is funny, because all of these never were evil, they are under command of the illidari as we speak. The fact someone with ZERO lore knowledge is trying to design new faction is so cute tho xoxoxoxo

We had a 3rd (non-playable) faction once. It was called the Burning Legion and sadly got defeated in the Legion expansion. Since then, WoW lost its Warcraft-like charm in the story, because there was no 3rd faction scheming anymore.

Only recently the Voidlords is being established as that very 3rd faction.

But who is controlling the Voidlord’s ?

Sometimes the direction WoW is going in reminds of a trilogy called the Age of the Five written by Trudi Canavan. Only when you get to the last chapter in book 3 do you realize that none of the factions were acting alone and all were taking orders from one and then you find out why. A good read.

Not sure why you included the Tauren in there. They’re among the most peaceful races you can find and they for sure didn’t “come to conquest”.

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See, the Horde propaganda machine is in full effect! The Tauren were murderous criminals who would pillage villages, stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down. They’d leave their droppings all over the place, leaving the CDC to come in and clean up the mess to avoid the spread of mad cow disease!

I even saw a news report on CNN about it!

Well, the solution is simple.

We won’t defeat the voidlords once and for all. We just push the void back.

And I hope Blizzard retcons the Burning Legion to only “seem to be defeated in Legion”, so it can return in the future again.

Make both sides “forces” that can’t be ultimatively beaten but “defeated and pushed back for a few years” over and over again. Like an eternal fight that can’t be completely won.

That keeps engagement and possibilities to write the story around it.

Let the Legion and Voidlords be “unmoving factors” in a “moving world”.

Hey! Do not behave nasty!
Fel orcs completely gave in to the demon blood and lost every inch of humanity they had, living only to bloodshed - evil as hell

Nagas (well the majority of them) serve Queen Azshara whom as I remember the LORE swore to serve the old gods who are considered evil just not to drown in the ocean and does evil things since then - evil as hell

Satyrs were elves who were serving as agents of the Legion working on rotting their own society earning this deformed body and - EVIL AS HELL

Maybe I don’t know too much except orc lore, but I went through the WoW history until Battle for Azeroth and it seems to me those races are all veryveryvery evil.

I agree. No third faction, please.

You would have a war with three parties which is strange to me.

Most wars, at least in the real world, are between two conflicting parties, not between three.

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Thinking of it… There is a war with three parties: Syrian government vs Syrian rebels vs ISIS.

Nope, nope, nope.
Almost always we have two sides in direct conflict and two or more financing, scheming and controlling.

You can also look at Africa where more than 3 sides are in perpetual conflict

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Would love to start my own cult.

If there would be any third faction, I wouldn’t add new races but it will be where traitors of alliance and horde could join, however I don’t see a certain purpose of it and it could be a mess. So ill stick to having only 2 factions it’s better.

Also the Tauren are good cows, they no conquer just spread chill vibes all over Azeroth :cow: :blossom:

Thinking of this. One of my characters reached level 40 and followed the quest line for being eligible to create a Vold Elf. Those Void Elves didn’t want to join the Horde, they joined or stayed at the Alliance. Therefore Void Elves are part of the Alliance.

Treason or staying at the current faction instead of joining the enemy often happens in the Warcraft Universe, especially in case of elves.

Well i suppose they could joink a extra function from a different game and be a actual monster and roam the world of azeroth to kill alliance and horde alike. Not sure if it will be useful as a faction so to speak.

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I’m sorry, but I haven’t seen any conflict here for a long time.

Only problem I see with this is that the Player Characters are Heroes (not villains). We turn up in some village and the local elders need help cleaning out the local swimming pool of nasty murlocs so the village kids can play water polo with a dead rat (which we also have to kill).

Evil faction can’t really be a hero doing such quests. You’d either have to create a whole separate quest / lore / leveling experience OR have them level in PVP only.

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