New guild, many opportunities

Never Ending Army.

New guild with lots of opportunities. Our vision is a warm welcome to everyone paired with an chill atmosphere. Real life comes first, as a working dad i know this all to well. No stress no drama in game. Anyone feeling this way is welcome preferably age 20 and up. (Im 35 if that matters)

Not level 80 yet? No problem!
New player? No problem!
Played for many years? You still can join.
As of now there is still guild ranks to be filled if you are that type of a player. For example Officer, raid lead, shot caller for pvp perhaps. We make it work if you have it in you.
When enough members have joined we can make a plan and see what works best for raiding, M+ dungeons and perhaps some pvp every now and then. I do like some old content as well for gold, mounts, achievements, and what not.

Interested? Leave a reply or dm me via Bnet Devoon #2641
Have a nice day!