New guild, Wildhammer

Hi folks, i wuold like to start a new guild, pretty casual playing style, focused on world quest, world pvp, social…

we pay a monthly fee, i don t care about the best gear, the highest DPS, etc, i care about the amusement i get.
Wow is still a boring game without in-game friends when you hit max lvl. Unless you start addicting to get max equip lvl.
That s not my case.

I would rather play with friends in pvp, world pvp and world quest, pve sometime.

Not to get the most juice chest armor…just to get fun in Azeroth: a whole world.


Good luck with the guild :smiley: its pretty difficult to start one and to carry it so don’t get discouraged

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We created the guild, THE UNCHOSEN, 10 members…still organizing it, hope it wil be fun for everyone

That is up to the members :smiley: not only on you

Good luck keep it goin!

The best guilds I’ve been in are the ones who don’t take the game too seriously. I hope the guild goes well :sun_with_face:

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