Hello everyone I am making this post to form a discussion on mine and others experience on healing this far for the current season of the The War Within!
I will start by saying I am new to the healing role having played mostly a hunter prior so it’s both a new role and engangment range for me coming from the ranged role that Beast Mastery Hunter provides.
I am really a fan of Mistweaver and after having tried all the healers it is the one I feel a connection with the most, I’m close to getting to 2000 io score solely pugging sitting about 1400/1500 currently. I’ve been sitting around 595 ilvl and have done some level 4 keys that have been double upgraded and had some keys at level 2 that aren’t timed.
From these keys I have really learned a good bit about myself, to give an example before on Beast Mastery Hunter I would panic when enemies would get close to me, as my pets died ALOT and the AI with the pets has been very wonky for me. For example I would walk down some stairs and they would’nt move, so I would have to dismiss them and then resummon them. And with panicing I wouldn’t even use my Defensive Cooldowns.
Where as Monk I have been using my abilites to keep myself alive. I know as healer it is obivously ALOT easier to that than my hunter but I have become more aware of my surroundings and when to use my rool kit.
Moving onto the reason I made the post! So I had a +2 Stonevault key that wasn’t timed and I had a very interesting group to say the least. We was comprised of a Brewmaster Monk for our tank, and for the DPS I had a Balance Druid, Augmentation Evoker and a Fury Warrior.
So opening the key the tank pulls the entire corridor, we get most of it down minus a few of the mobs, on this I pop EVERYTHING I can all my big heals were spent just to try and save it, I was able to pop Ring of Peace to stop the few enemies and give the tank a chance to come back.
We then do the rest of the dungeon ok ish, by that I mean the packs we did pull the positioning of them was very awkward as they were very close to another pack and having a chance of that getting pulled. That happened more times than not during the run and the first boss went very well.
People knew to stand behind the rock pillars when the golem charges the beam up. The other bosses not much…
On the 2 machinist bosses people weren’t getting kicks, I found myself rolling to the caster boss at the side after the cube had gone and kicking the cast then dashing back to my group. And on top of that the tank wasn’t placing the bosses on the vents with nothing on it, instead the bosses were on vents with fire. I was the only one who had any idea on what to do I had to spam ping on the correct vents and to the tanks credit he was aware to pull the bosses and group there.
The Skarmorak boss was a fun one, the orbs weren’t picked up by anyone else minus me and the evoker, but we did nuke down the little crystal mobs quite fast. And had a few deaths on the DPS mostly to the boomie standing in the purple circle and not using any defensive cooldowns. But we did complete it.
Now onto the coup de gra, the final boss was a dumpster fire and I say that with much pain haha. So we get the boss down to I think 40% on the first go and wipe. But we do it on the 2nd go with just me the healer, the Augmentation Evoker and tank still up. So what went wrong?
Minus me always getting rid of the void corruption debuff and sometimes the tank/Augmentation Evoker getting rid of the void corruption debuff the rest of the DPS stood in the bosses frontal and never ran to the portals to get rid of it. And we had alot of people stand in the gunk/swirls on the floor. And on the fight itself I told myself not to panic and focus up, of which I did and we cleared the dungeon.
At the end I said thank you to the run and mentioned about looking up a boss guide for the mechanics as it only takes to minutes, and good luck on their keys and left.
From the key I did have a couple of mistakes, such as standing in the charge of the elite mini bosses THEY HURT! And I had to stand in the swirls at times to reach my tank and other dps as the bosses was positioned quite badly, this is partly my fault and the tanks.
So I have learned alot and enjoyed it at the same time, healing is a double edged sword for me sometimes you have awesome keys and groups and you blast, and other times the groups and keys are just awful in general, but I have thick skin so I am used to it already haha.
And on the point of attitude I have noticed the Warlocks and Hunter I have met have been the classes with the most attitude/ego and they’re also the ones who die alot as well, this is with me spamming all the heals I can to try and save them. But a lesson learnt is you can’t heal players being stupid and players who don’t wanna help themselves.
So to my fellow healers and M+ players what has your experience been so far this season I would love to hear more and discuss with you all further! Many thanks!