New Healer M+ Experience so far in The War Within Season 1

Hello everyone I am making this post to form a discussion on mine and others experience on healing this far for the current season of the The War Within!

I will start by saying I am new to the healing role having played mostly a hunter prior so it’s both a new role and engangment range for me coming from the ranged role that Beast Mastery Hunter provides.

I am really a fan of Mistweaver and after having tried all the healers it is the one I feel a connection with the most, I’m close to getting to 2000 io score solely pugging sitting about 1400/1500 currently. I’ve been sitting around 595 ilvl and have done some level 4 keys that have been double upgraded and had some keys at level 2 that aren’t timed.

From these keys I have really learned a good bit about myself, to give an example before on Beast Mastery Hunter I would panic when enemies would get close to me, as my pets died ALOT and the AI with the pets has been very wonky for me. For example I would walk down some stairs and they would’nt move, so I would have to dismiss them and then resummon them. And with panicing I wouldn’t even use my Defensive Cooldowns.

Where as Monk I have been using my abilites to keep myself alive. I know as healer it is obivously ALOT easier to that than my hunter but I have become more aware of my surroundings and when to use my rool kit.

Moving onto the reason I made the post! So I had a +2 Stonevault key that wasn’t timed and I had a very interesting group to say the least. We was comprised of a Brewmaster Monk for our tank, and for the DPS I had a Balance Druid, Augmentation Evoker and a Fury Warrior.

So opening the key the tank pulls the entire corridor, we get most of it down minus a few of the mobs, on this I pop EVERYTHING I can all my big heals were spent just to try and save it, I was able to pop Ring of Peace to stop the few enemies and give the tank a chance to come back.

We then do the rest of the dungeon ok ish, by that I mean the packs we did pull the positioning of them was very awkward as they were very close to another pack and having a chance of that getting pulled. That happened more times than not during the run and the first boss went very well.

People knew to stand behind the rock pillars when the golem charges the beam up. The other bosses not much…

On the 2 machinist bosses people weren’t getting kicks, I found myself rolling to the caster boss at the side after the cube had gone and kicking the cast then dashing back to my group. And on top of that the tank wasn’t placing the bosses on the vents with nothing on it, instead the bosses were on vents with fire. I was the only one who had any idea on what to do I had to spam ping on the correct vents and to the tanks credit he was aware to pull the bosses and group there.

The Skarmorak boss was a fun one, the orbs weren’t picked up by anyone else minus me and the evoker, but we did nuke down the little crystal mobs quite fast. And had a few deaths on the DPS mostly to the boomie standing in the purple circle and not using any defensive cooldowns. But we did complete it.

Now onto the coup de gra, the final boss was a dumpster fire and I say that with much pain haha. So we get the boss down to I think 40% on the first go and wipe. But we do it on the 2nd go with just me the healer, the Augmentation Evoker and tank still up. So what went wrong?

Minus me always getting rid of the void corruption debuff and sometimes the tank/Augmentation Evoker getting rid of the void corruption debuff the rest of the DPS stood in the bosses frontal and never ran to the portals to get rid of it. And we had alot of people stand in the gunk/swirls on the floor. And on the fight itself I told myself not to panic and focus up, of which I did and we cleared the dungeon.

At the end I said thank you to the run and mentioned about looking up a boss guide for the mechanics as it only takes to minutes, and good luck on their keys and left.

From the key I did have a couple of mistakes, such as standing in the charge of the elite mini bosses THEY HURT! And I had to stand in the swirls at times to reach my tank and other dps as the bosses was positioned quite badly, this is partly my fault and the tanks.

So I have learned alot and enjoyed it at the same time, healing is a double edged sword for me sometimes you have awesome keys and groups and you blast, and other times the groups and keys are just awful in general, but I have thick skin so I am used to it already haha.

And on the point of attitude I have noticed the Warlocks and Hunter I have met have been the classes with the most attitude/ego and they’re also the ones who die alot as well, this is with me spamming all the heals I can to try and save them. But a lesson learnt is you can’t heal players being stupid and players who don’t wanna help themselves.

So to my fellow healers and M+ players what has your experience been so far this season I would love to hear more and discuss with you all further! Many thanks!

Healing is one of the few roles that gives you the power to save a run if you are skilled enough. And fix peoples mistakes.

While the healing job is a taxing and a demanding one. As you need to do everything everyone else does. Plus keep everyone alive.

The benefits are you get more control, and if you are skilled. You will have higher success chance to complete a run as a healer than a dps.

However if you are bad, then i guess you have higher chance completing a run as dps.

I think the ladder might be abit steep, the difference in healing required in just one key level is huge. Would be better if the mythic scale increase was more incremental.

I try gear up my BM hunter. I cannot get gear past 619, no one wants me in group. Its like my hunter has the plague. I can spend 1 hour in queue only for declines.

While i get accepted for the first group i pick with my resto shaman.

The runs i have with BM hunter are terrible, cause im so desperate i have to take the trash groups. With resto shaman i can pick the high rated good looking groups. And usualy have a nice experience.

My hunter, just has to take whatever will accept it. Cause its such unwanted.

That is really interesting to hear, as for me personally I love Hunters especially Survival ones! I would invite you no problem, I value player and good attitude over class, and you are correct you can cover the mistakes of bad players. But depending on the key and how stupid some people are can affect whether you can brute force heal to cover their mistakes.

And for me I honestly found Shaman harder than my Monk, as I kept running out of mana ALOT, where as Monk it’s no problem at all and just in general the amount of keybinds on Shaman that you need to have if you want to use all of the uitlity is bonkers haha.

As you described getting rejected alot and waiting for groups is the main reasion I switched to healer as I just couldn’t deal waiting on average over and hour and a half for one group as a dps it is BAD ATM.

You can’t really draw conclusions from low keys.

I’ve got 2 chars that have timed all 10’s and I’m gearing a 3rd. The low dungeons are harder than the high ones because people are just terrible (like you described).

I’ve healed more in a +4 than I have in a +10 people execute so badly. The moral is to get out of the low dungeon hellhole asap.

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Yes mana is abit of an issue on shaman untill you get the 4 set bonus. It really helps.

I can still run out of mana, but its much harder. I usualy have enough mana for a whole run by sneak drinking between packs.

In +8 i never have to tell group to stop for mana, happens in +10 if the group is not super and take alot of damage. But the 4 set helped :smiley:

people in low keys are garbage.

if people were decent, you would barepy needs to heal them in the whole run

people tend to get better in 8s and above if you inv 2.4k+ rio players.

not really, no.
I had a run yesterday in +10 mists. Basically nobody died because i saved them from every near death experience, but in the end it wasnt timed because the dps was just not there. we had 3 phases on boss 1 and i wanted to alt f4 already.

besides in most other dungeons mistake = dead dps player. really not much you can do.
a good healer is required to time the dungeon, but a good healer cannot carry antthing if the dps or tank is just pure garbage

My experience as healer (and dps) is actually rather simple; it’s a blatant nightmare in keys up till 7. People don’t know tactics, don’t care about them, don’t communicate, and they often don’t perform well.

Once you get to the 10-level and group with players who has done at least a whole bunch of 7-9 keys, it gets much, and I mean much, more relaxed. Yes, the damage gets higher, but people know what to avoid, when to press defensives, etc. Well, not always, but many players do around that level.

And then you end up running +10s with less average healing done than in a +6 or +7. It’s pretty painful to notice.

So my advice would be: as healer…get comfortable with the strategies yourself and aim higher. Try to skip the +2-+6 keys. Groups often need a healer, so you have a slight edge in getting in those groups regardless of your history.

that said +10 is not really easier than a +5 with garbage group but what you have to do vastly changes.

in +5 with badies you need to heal your behind off, go oom and throw cds randomly because people fail everything. besides you will feel it is a major slog.

in +10s you need usually less raw healing but more healing when it matters and you need to trade cds for mechanics.

also i wouldnt count that people play perfectly in +10 either. dps usually throw a def cd at a major mechanic if you are lucky but they are not yet smart enough to pop something for e.g. the heavy dot in dawn or the last mob on the ship.

Well you did what you could. Not like you can save every run.

But ive been in runs as dps where the healer cannot cope with the damage. Its just doomed.

For good reasons people get boosted as a dps slot. Not as healer or tank :stuck_out_tongue:

Cause try boost a healer thru a +10 GB while he averages 200k healing. Not gonna happen.

well yes but if a dps does 200k dps and does nothing else worthwhile, it will be also very difficult. If the other 2 dps are not doing exceptionally well dps, you probably wont time it either.
if the healer is good you maybe can finish it but probably wont time it. after that run the healer probably also want to delete his wow account.

yes you can get much easier boosted to a certain level as dps as specially if you are not complete dead weight. yes you need to be good as a healer to time 10s but i dont feel like i can hard carry a group.
soft carry yes, but hard definitely a no, thats why i also dislike this season. my dps is terrible, my hps is terrible outside of cds and there are too many mechanics for dps to fail

I used to hate healing this season as well. But after stopping trying to get higher keys on my shaman. And just farm. Now gear has caught up with content, and its much easier.

at i623 my shaman is quite bored in an normal +8 where people do what they are supposed too. I spend most the time dps.

I used to hate healing when i was borderline low geared.

So for own sanity as healer. Dont push more than your gear can handle, and avoid Stonevault at higher keys. Did SV10 yday with Rdrood who had never done it.

He was “crying” he said.

And it helps getting used to all the fights, packs and affixes. At the start i was sometimes abit overwhelmed. Now ive done the dungeons so many times its like a “dance”

When you are a vocational healer (like me) all seasons are awesome healer wise.

My complaints about this season in particular stem more from dungeon difficulty (and lack of dungeon tuning) than healer issues specifically.

i understand and i did the same. in the beginning it was really annoying to farm +6 keys so i waited a bit to push to 8s and now i just finished all my 10s in 1 try. I will still run like 4 10s every week for vault but i will never again do a CoT +10 this season, at least not on my shaman.
season 1 is aleays the hardest anyways and you have to wait till the last potato understands the dungeon before you push your score and keep your sanity

you dont like the healing requirements of city of threads? :sweat_smile:

What ? You looked at my impressive list of depletes of CoT12 ? :smiley:

Raider IO dosent show the incomplete dungeons though. So its even more embarrasing than that. Feel free to flame cause at this point I deserve it 100%…

My specific problem with CoT is possitioning not healing. And its not just me failing cause I tunnel vision the party frames, but other people as well. And specifically, the last boss. Its super mean to put 2 luitenants with huge burst damage that force you to spend your CDs right before a boss that also has huge burst damage forces you to cycle CDs.

So for me its not really the HPS requirement. Its more the dungeon design. Its beyond stupid to put luitenants right before bosses.

nah i didnt check your profile, i just assumed that you also hate cot because every healer does.
positioning is not my issue but people using def cds at the wrong time.
splice + smash is too much really, i cannot healt 20mio in 5 seconds.
on my shaman it still is whatever but my mw has a hard time on a +8 even lol

10 CoT was the first 10 i did. Thought i was very easy and questioned if this was really 10.

Then again, we had nice guild group. I had just done an SV8 earlier with a i604 tank and that was much harder. Due to tank being so squishy and giving me constant panic attacks.

CoT is more positioning than healing as said above i think. If ppl do as they supposed to, its quite easy. Can be challenging if one does not do what you are supposed to. Like dodging Mistcallers balls. Or letting her pet catch upto you.

uhm mistcaller is in mists not in cot.

and yes mist of tirnawhatever is the easiest dungeon while cot is the hardest dungeon and has little to do with positioning as 3 out of 4 bosses are massive hps and cd trading bosses for the group. without def cds from the group it is more or less impossible to keep all alive, especially if you play with squishy no vers classes

lol to early for my brain to be working :stuck_out_tongue: Ahh city of threads.

What is so hard about that? Hardest part is the big add with aoe poison. You poison clense the first wave. If you group is good all you get is one wave.

If you get a second wave, stone bulkwark your self. And pop a CD and you should be all good.

Never thought of Threads as hard :o Stonevault/GB is much harder i think.

I farm threads at 8 for crests often.

First boss wiping, 2nd boss wiping, big add wiping, 3rd boss wiping and 4th boss wiping.
It is quite hard. Mists is a joke in comparison. City of threads is the hardest dungeon.

it has 3 hard bosses, thats what makes ot hard.

boss 2 has two/3 hard aoe blasts. Most people dont even know they can remove the dot so they dont which makes it incredible hard to heal.

boss 3 has a very nasty aoe that blast everyone for over 100% of their health and you have to remove major heal absorbs before the aoe. HPS requirement is quite huge as typically nobody helps out.

boss 4 has constant aoe blasts that partly are only separated by a few seconds but chunk 80% of your health each. I run out of cds much faster than the boss dies as it has so many aoes

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