Blizzard said that hero talents will be evergreen and will likely get revisited every major release. With that in mind, is there any particular hero talent that you found missed the mark, would like to see revamped or straight up replaced? I’ll give my thoughts on DK:
San’Layn (replace it)
Although the theme is rooted in pre-existing game lore, and thematically matches blood very nicely, it’s just so underwhelming to play. It’s visually absolutely insignificant. With the exception of raiding Blood DKs, this specs sees minimal play, as death bringer is better for dungeons, and UH will always pick riders of the apocalypse. Speaking of which…
Riders Of The Apocalypse (overhaul it)
This was the most anticipated spec, even non DK mains thought it sounded exciting. And although you can’t fault it for the toolkit making us amazingly mobile and fixing other cleaving issues, its gameplay is a bit boring bordering on the gimmick. We’ve got 0 control of the riders, their AI is bonkers and quite frankly it’s all a little boring. I like the theme, but I’d like to see the talents make us the rider of the apocalypse. Right now it feels like we’re the “friend of the riders of the apocalypse”. How can we get empowered further without summoning loads of extra adds?
I’d love to see them explore Lich as a hero spec.
What Hero Spec would you like to see replaced or overhauled?
The pool of fantasy for hunters seems a bit limited to be honest. You got Shadow Hunters but those are pretty exclusive to trolls at the moment. Every fantasy seems to pull towards an established lore character. Not sure what else you guys could get.
I’d like to keep it. They can improve the passives & visuals if need be, but only if it doesn’t add an extra button. I’ve adjusted the whole backstory of my character because of the implementation of that talent tree and I actually prefer to play it over death bringer because it doesn’t bloat my action bars. It works just fine to play M+ if you aren’t min-maxing like a madman.
Is this for RP purposes? I don’t know anything about this side of the game, though it seems like you can change your head canon quite easily.
Blood does have a lot of extra buttons this time around, but Deathbringer brings only one extra. I think they need to relook at the baseline of blood as many blood dks are saying it’s feeling bloated.
The technical issue does remain. UH never picks it, and it’s frustrating. Riders plays better, provides better utility, and fits UH thematically better.
I’ve tried deathbringer and Sanlayn as blood. The former definitely feels more fun to play, although the latter has a thematic fit as I mentioned on the OP. If they could visually overhaul it would be a start, so we can actually feel like we’ve got a special spec and not just get a different sfx whilst vamp strike is on.
More or less. I don’t actually role play, I write lore heavy fanfiction about my WoW characters. My DK had a problem he needed help to deal with from a friend, and because of the talent tree I made that friend a San’layn instead of something else I had in mind initially.
Even one button is one too many. I don’t even pick Soul Reaper because it’s just another button that needs too much work (tracking of enemy % hp) to make use of, so I can just as well pick another passive talent instead.
We just have a lot of different def cds; especially with Tombstone and Bonestorm. They could probably combine several talents into one with a shorter CD and the spec would work just as well.
Ah, I heard differently. I have another DK alt that is unholy. Actually picked San’layn with that char as well, because I heard the Riders have the hunter pet mentalitly of pulling stuff they aren’t supposed to. ^^’
I don’t know. As frost I’m still Death Bringer, but I don’t like the talent as much. It does such a significant amount of damage from the spec but doesn’t have anything to do with frost, kinda ruins the fantasy for me, and it also feels lackluster gameplay wise if one button influences the damage profile of your whole spec so much, but that’s of course a problem WoW has in general since at least Legion.
I think they missed the mark by overdoing the wrong things. The fact that when you have multiple dks you see the same npcs isn’t helping either. You know when you quest with a named NPC and someone else is doing the same quest, you see a different but similar mob (like instead of anduin, you will see some random human). Seeing multiple Morgraines just looks so silly.
If they stick with it, I’d rather see us have more powers rather than summoning a random set of npcs.
Well I’m going by data available to us through platforms like rio, warcraft logs etc, and the numbers don’t lie. Doesn’t mean some people might choose the outlier for chill solo content. But as I said on my OP, yeah their AI is bad. On mists, I’ve seen them attacking the wrong clones of that annoying boss for example, and there’s nothing you can do about it. They could at least make it so they respond to pet commands.
As a shaman main I think they nailed it with Stormbringer. The Elemental part of shamans I think is the most fun, so focusing hero specs around them are the best option imo.
So instead of Totemic or Farseer you could have themes like “Lava bender” or “Water caller.” And have the other shaman themes show in different ways.
Make it a standard outlaw-subtlety. Give them an ability called Resonance and have them gain passive small damage buffs throughout combat that each have their own requirement (max 5), then have resonance comsume those buffs to detonate an aoe dmg or stun ability (up to design) with a instrument that changes depending on how many of these passive stacks they have.
Something like that.
For Druids:
Druid of the Claw
Please I dont know how they messed it up but make shifting between cat and bear form actually good for dmg rotation, like make the cat get a stack of rage when the do combo finishers that increase the next bear abilities dmg by X% and then have it work vice versa, so we actually can feel like awesome shapeshifters in combat and not miss out on alot of dmg.
They even have a sort of talent like that but its so bad its not worth the button press.
But they will never get it balanced. That’s how it is it will never never never get to a point where it is even remotely balanced between the existing specs.
The only way to achiev that is by making on tank one heal one mele DPS and one ranged DPS and that’s it.
So if you say no new things till balance is achieved we can just never get anything new
i agree with pipeline, the whole point of balance is to never achieve it, allow for a existing and rotating meta where everyone has their moment in the sun.
Yes it will be inevitably be arollercoaster of whoopsie daisies, but in the end adding new things is never a bad thing.
New class AND extra specs for existing classes? No, I think that’s not realistic at all.
Also: New specs for classes would be cool, but I really don’t see them doing all the classes at once. That’s extreme imbalance nightmare fuel right there.
Besides: The big ticket item for Midnight is housing.
So I’m not expecting a new class, honestly. But we’ll see. Besides the tinker fantasy, no other new class really appeals to me.
I have no clue what they could be planning for hero specs. More of them? Extend them?