New Human Hair Colors in Patch 10.0.7

Went now to the Barber Shop with both Orc Races and those Hairstyles are Mag’har Hairstyles. Vanilla Orcs do not have them “yet”.

Boo. I like them.

Don’t have mag’har unlocked. :frowning:

All those words from a panda player. Ironic.

Hardly. Pandaren were added before the MMO - indeed before the Zandalari.

Colored hair is a thing in the US since the mid 2000s. Aside of that, even the Romans already let pigeons :poop: on their heads to dye their hair blonde.

Also, I wonder how many of your likes are from alt accounts.

Maybe blonde, but not blue, pink or green lol. If you dye your hair like that, you’re either a punk or woke. Nothing is more “non-conservative” than an unnatural hair color.

Apart from that, it has modern associations. It doesn’t fit into a game based on medieval fantasy.


We have spaceships and wonders of technology in our “medieval” fantasy game but blue hair on human scare you.


Lawl don’t act stupid you know exactly what I mean.
The spaceships and star destroyers were big BS too.

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No, I don’t know what you mean. New and science-fiction technologies were part of WoW since TBC, there is nothing weird or alien about it.

Apart from the fact that it was only introduced because it’s wierd and alien and was designed as an exception for Outland to be outlandish. Metzen had to justify himself for it at that time.

But that doesn’t change anything: swords, castles and mythological monsters don’t go well with sci-fi elements. These are two completely different genres and mixing them is BS.

Again. Don’t. act. stupid.


I disagree. I think wow mix these two worlds perfectly, and gives it a unique look intead of run of the mill “guy with sword number 7262” theme.

Also, congrats on playing game that’s theme annoys you for so long. It’s gonna get so much worse for you, cause of more colors of ppl’s hair.

Hair colors “Twitter Edition”


I thought first of figures like Billie Eyelash, Miss Fortune from League, and The Joker from batman

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You’re welcome to like it. Does not change the fact that it’s nonsense.

Never said that. I’ll play the game as long as I enjoy it. If it’s 95% that makes fun, I don’t stop because of the 5% that annoys me.

It’s getting worse because the people who are obviously in development now have no interest in the original Warcraft, but are hell-bent on imposing their own “vision”. And colored hair of this type is just another sign.

This is the Netflix disease.

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I don’t know how you see your profile but at this very moment you’re so fiery you have turned into Ragnaros (thanks to your faction background). Who cares about hair?!

Your opinion does not make it a fact.

Mate, I’m conservative but this is laughable even for me.

I have no idea how anything of this is connected.

Was meant to bring a smile, is all.

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Ah, good then, sorry for confusion.

Me being red is perfect fit for being fury warrior to be honest.

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Did I not say that it “could” be an error from wowhead, that they by mistake used a mag’har hairstyle on green orcs. Also we are at 10.0.5 now and this update will be 10.0.7

We had spaceships in Legion who were really just machines powered on fel energy. If you mean TBC, those were magically enhanced crystals, not spaceships. Technically, if I put you on a boat, and launch it into space it’s a spaceship.

But yes, blue hair on a human scare me.