New mount for 6 month sub

So as we saw there’s a new 12 month deal with 2 exclusive mounts for WoW and 1 exclusive for WotLKC. But that’s not what I wanted to discuss here…

Look at the silhouette of the new yet-to-be-announced 6 month sub mount.
It’s a BUNNY! So since next year is chinese zodiac year of the rabbit, we can assume this is that mount… I’d love a bunny mount. I hope it looks good. And I hope it has fur and isn’t some stone monstrosity like the pig was or a metal nightmare like the cow.

Whatcha’ll think?

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If you look at the paws you can see it has edges of fur in the silhouette and not metal.

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True. It also seems to be carrying a satchel of carrots on its back rear. :heart_eyes:

I mean, if you want to whale out that’s your prerogative.

We are going to have to wait and see if Dragonflight is worth sticking around for in the long term which is what this promotion is designed to do by getting your money in advance. I’d never buy it on reason alone.


Oh of course. But I figure I’ll be around or at least 6 months anyway, so I’m currently on a 6 month sub, which should get me that mount when it’s released early next year.

Also; getting a sub that nets you the lowest per-month sub is hardly ‘whaling out’.

The 12 month promotion as of right now doesn’t actually give you a discount. The mounts are, as always, just incentives to make these bundles more lucrative because they’d prefer you buying that over a one month sub.

Regardless I have a bunny myself so I admit being somewhat interested in that mount, but it’s still a store mount so you get bored of them after a week or two.

True. That’s a bit of a missed opportunity I think.
But it’s about the mounts for me, tbh. I just don’t like either of them, so that’s why a 12 month sub is just not worth it for me.

For me that completely depends on the theme/fantasy of the mount.
There’s some I still use regularly. And some that I don’t ever use (ugly mana wyrm, I’m looking at you).

bizzard is soon the new fortnite :stuck_out_tongue:
soon we getting every day new skins with only 1 day sell timer :smiley:

that mount… A rabbit maybe

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I don’t even know how it looks yet, but I want to pet it. SO. BADLY!


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