You gotta be kidding me, you guys want to propel people towards buying gold by this cost increase on the lvl 40 mounts? 100 gold for a mount + training, which is a necessity at 40 to get around and all.
Please reconsider this change, not everyone has time to grind out gold. Find a different gold sink instead of increasing the cost on mounts that are necessary
At level 40, you can earn gold in the same way as now at level 25 through quests.
They just reversed SoMs decrease.
Everyone did fine in classic, and this time we have had additional time and ways of making gold before hitting 40 too.
Plus mounts are less impactful at 40 (their main point was faster levelling, but when we get them we wont be levelling for a few months). You dont need one immediately, but will earn it relatively quick.
Im relatively (very) poor and suck at making gold, but i fail to see an issue here.
“Im relatively (poor) and suck at making gold, but I fail to see an issue here.”
So, a player sucks at making gold, but they’ll want gold for the mount. I wonder if there are easy ways of obtaining gold? Hmm
But yes, blizzard is “trying guys, but it’s hard!!!”
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Im saying that im honestly really bad. Like, dreadfully bad at “finances” on MMOs and absolutely detest mindless grinding just to make gold.
If i will be fine getting the gold together (which i will be), then so will everyone else.
Gold is so much more accessible due to the staggered levelling, bonus gold for quests at each phases level cap, plus new ways of making gold from the new content too.
It sounds like you are looking for an excuse to buy gold but somehow blame it on Blizzard 
(Insert cyclist putting a stick into his own bikes spokes, falling over and blaming Blizzard meme here)
You fail to realise there will be other expenses next phase, gear that youll have to get, consumables etc. AND on top of that a mandatory 100G sink if you dont want to have to walk everywhere.
Thats the problem, people have families, real life obligations etc, wow should not be another job just to get to the “average” level, average being mounts in this case cause its a huge QoL thing unlocked at 40, not talking gear or raids etc which are part of the game arc and take effort to get your rewards to make your char stronger.
It will push people to buy gold, despite the GDKP crackdown and all the other crackdowns blizzard may have in storage. It just dont understand the logic here on one hand theyre cracking down on GDKP and bots - HUGE W, on the other hand theyre doing everything to push people to have to find gold “somewhere”. Thats why im calling on reconsidering this change, its not a 100% mount thats a luxury and we can all agree on that, its a vital part of getting around the world once you reach 40
The mount was always 100 gold total?
You make a good point, but with a flaw.
While everyone “should” be fine getting that gold (because it is both possible and actually somewhat not so time-consuming to farm it), many players will still skip the farming part and just buy it. And this is factual.
And no, I don’t buy gold, I already have more than enough to get the mounts for my 7 lvl 25’s, and even have some extra stuff like full 14-slot bags on my Hunter, for example (Quivers make bag slots a nightmare). And at no point did I feel the need to buy gold. But that is me, the same way you say you’re bad at finance but “will manage”, I am “ok” with farming and managed too. And so will most people.
But denying that this will make quite a few people buy gold is naive.
@Miylee no, at the start of SoD that price was half of original Classic.
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I think the inital idea was to lower it, but they probably figured that if lvl 25 quests gave 30+ gold per zone, people dungeon leveling and saving 25-40 quest at level 40 would generate to much - hence back to normal prices.
Nothing new, was like this in Classic and we could afford it.
The point is not whether people can afford it.
If the price was 150g, or 200g, people would still be able to afford it, it would just mean more farming aka more quests done/materials farmed and sold, etc.
The point is how much that gold amount will incentivize gold buying. Something we’ve been told for the past like 300 years blizzard is “trying very hard to fight against”. It makes no sense to increase the price.
Now obviously there has to be a price tag to it, because by my previous point, being free would be the best option to fight gold buying, but that also wouldn’t make much sense for (almost) every player. But increasing it back to 100g after advertising the “fight against RMT” for so long just makes me believe (as, tbh, I always have) that they like those bot account subscriptions a lot.
God forbid you have to grind an hour or two for anything in this game.
Even if the mount costs 40 gold, there will be people who will buy gold for it.
The difference (and a huge one at that) is the amount of people willing to do so. More people willing to buy gold = more demand = more incentive for bots to exist
Reverting the SoM changes, I’m fine with that, no problem. The problem is you (Devs) did this a whole two days before the next phase launches, that is just dumb, sorry to say.
If you said 1 month ago that the SoM cost wasn’t intended for SoD people wouldn’t have gotten some wrong expectations and there would have been more time to prepare. It is a shame but not wholly unsurprising.
No time to play game then, cos gold making is part of the game.
I would suggest different game.
Ok, then let’s make mounts cost 10k gold, training another 5k gold.
Increase flight path travel costs to 3k gold for the smallest trips, up to 100k gold for the longest.
If you can’t farm the gold to pay for those, cause it takes 2 years to get 100k gold in Classic, then “I would suggest different game”, “cos gold making is part of the game”.
Feel ridiculous now?
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That’s interesting it only takes an hour to get 100g?what’s that gold buying?
If the gold seller is sending him the gold by mail, I guess one hour makes sense x’DDD
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