Deathbringer’s Shadowcycle is one i am looking forward to a lot.
Fox is where it’s at.
I wonder if these new motorcycles will come with their engine sound pre-nerfed to oblivion or if they’ll get it after a while like the old ones.
Honestly; there isn’t a single one there that really tickles my fancy.
The fox is the nicest one, but I wouldn’t even use that.
The newly datamined transmog stuff though… Now that has potential!
At least the beetle and bike are a new model
Got to collect them all!!!
That Wastewander set has some nice Mad Max vibes!
What about mounts with a spoiler attached? god damnit blizzard think of the drag!
Yeah I don’t love that set as a whole, but there’s definitely some very useable pieces there for me.
Those bikes are metal af and cant wait to collect them.
I doubt I’ll wear any piece of it (altho I’ll have to peek at it properly first to be sure) but I immediately envisioned orcs and trolls on deathwheels roaring through Tanaris!
Saw this, not sure if true.
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