New Murloc Pet - Glimr

With thanks to DragonsAfterDark, who posted about it on Xu-Fu’s

and Quintessence on the US forums

The quests are simple.

Some notes:

It’s GRIZZLY HILLS, not Howling Fjord! (From comments, I know I’m not the only one who did that!) A bit South of Venture Bay.

After you fly back from Borean Tundra, most of the quests are given by murlocs in a sunken ship. The Oracle is further down and at the back.

You will need the Breathing Potions provided along the way. I used the Legion Fishing Artefact. You will be on the edge of Fatigue areas a lot of the time and have to go a little into Fatigue zones underwater a couple of times, but it won’t come anywhere near killing you. An underwater mount like the Sea Turtle will be helpful, though.

The pet battle at the end is against Blue Aquatic, Green Critter, White Aquatic. It’s very easy.


For those pet collectors allergic to pet battling. You dont need 3x 25 pets here.
Like other pet trainers, they now scale to the levels of your pets. So you can bring 3x lvl 1 and smash it. The trainer pets will only have 1 ability at lvl 1. Bring 2x flying pets and 1 beast. Their pets are 2x aquatics and 1x critter.

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