New narrative designer :)

Not exactly. In A Good War he is very much a warrior first. He just believes in honorable wars. But that’s just the start of his character arc in BfA. It ends with “For Azeroth!”.

That’s exactly it. Saurfang stands for nothing after BfA.


Actually, why not? I mean is it fun to have a character as the center of the story that can’t do anything wrong even when mind controlled? (Kyrestia is alive, and Anduin is sad, which is the most dire consequence of his actiion).

I would prefer somebody else instead. Somebody who can make decisions adequate to the in-game story, and not author’s desire to push personal morals in front of everything. Heck, even Calia, who has good intentions that occasionally royally backfire, would IMO be a better option.

gl hf


Hush Tyrande.

All they did is adding a few gay people and some “trans” person which mentioned it in one of it’s quotes. Nothing influenced the game in a bad way, even if I’m a bit disapointed that we didn’t got a Taelia x Shaw ship.

To have more serious thoughts, it is hilarious that some people complain about Blizzard being too “woke” considering how much implicit racism the recent storylines had.

I mean, just last two expansions we had a race of evil indigenous people who were so evil that exterminating them and colonising their land was good actually, a race of slaves who like being slaves, and a race of evil scheming merchants with Middle Eastern accents.

Having someone who has at least some self-reflection and understanding of racial coding in charge of the story would be an improvement.


I am honestly baffled at how the public has let Blizz get away with all this for so long.

I am probably the last person to get seriously triggered by this stuff, but even I’m going “haha, this is pretty sketch”.

The recent lore developments, /silly emotes being uncomfortably outdated, absolute lack of any lgbt+ rep until very recently…

It’s just weird for a modern game company.


… what? What’s uncomfortable there?

Writing took a nose dive once steven danasur took the lead and starting writing his sylvanas fanfic, also christies golden obsession with anduin being the golden child is boring.

How i long for the days of metzen and afrasibi doing the lore.

Yea this. And more generally I found their tendency to confuse “primitive societies” (tribal and highly decentralized, rudimentary technology, etc) with dumbness and poor language to be questionable, at best. Same for the “decaying empire” theme : races getting held behind by their old ways, superstitions, etc.

There’s also the problem of matriarchal societies. Correct me if I’m wrong, but outside maybe Kaldorei, aren’t all Warcraft matriarchies either chaotic evil or full unga bunga (or both) ? I can only think of Blood Trolls, Nagas, Makrura, Harpies, Quilboars…
And actually, now that I think about it, even Kaldorei are often somehow considered “primitive” by other elven races
EDIT : oh yeah there are the Shaldorei. Are they traditionally matriarchal or do they just happen to often have female leaders ?


Goodbye. Hope you have a good time outside of wow and find something to your liking.

The level of wilful ignorance of yours is unbelieveable. The tr%ns/g@y insert is forced and anyone with one eye open could see that.
Also yeah, nelfs are female warriors with druid males since forever. Speak of tyrande all you like, that doesnt change the facts.

I presume there are two reasons for that. First, the writing department itself is pretty retrograde. Even when they try to add some woke stuff, they do so clumsily. Remember when Blizzard had to be explained the difference between trans men and non-binary people?

Second, I think they are aware how reactionary some segments of their audience are. In the East especially, but also in the West. They are scared of aggravating the neckbeards.

I actually agree, because of how atrocious their representation is. Again, Blizzard literally had to be explained, by players, that trans men use he/him pronouns.

You know what would be better? Quality queer representation, made by knowledgeable writers. And MORE of it. Pretty much all night elves should have at least tried it because they were left without the opposite sex for millennia.


It is a fantasy setting that has several dominant races competing for supremacy and control over the planet.

They whole theme is designed as to create conflict and racial prejudice against each other.

People complain about Blizzard pushing for “wokeism” or whatever you want to call it, because it often goes in detriment of what a fantasy race theme is supposed to be about.
Pushing our RL morals on zombies and orcs, kills whatever appeal these narrative elements have as part of a fictional plot.

Let alone that many times, Blizzards attempts at appearing as “woke”, reeks of fake corporate demands, and blatant virtue signalling.

Still, I don’t think that this trend is at the peak of what makes the current story so awful.
But there are certainly bits of it that are not making it better.


Man do gamers really despise natural and long-known widespread human phenomena such as homosexuality to the point where they actually have to self-censor the word “gay”
Anyway. I guess I’ll just go back to whining about playable Hozen


Lol, racism in a game where different species constantly shed each other’s blood is absolutely justified. Imagine your own home burned by alien monsters who came to your land to burn and pillage. You would hate them with your guts and be right about. Also implementing modern values and ideologies in the medieval setting? What sort of insanity is that?


Eeh, idk. Overwatch is pretty “”“woke”"" in that sense. They weren’t afraid to outright have their Stoic Manly Man character be gay and there was a lot of whining online about that too. Yet WoW has been insanely… dare I say it… heteronormative, so much so that many /flirt emotes assume your character’s sexuality.

Except in our case, we’re tecnically playing the monsters and the ones we pillage are shown to be Bad, even though they were literallyt living on their own land.

I’m talking about Drustvar, btw.

You are geymer, not me. I met some of those folks myself. You would not be able to differ them from h%t&rosexuals. Natural? There are alot of pros and cons about it being completely natural and not harmful. And if you could be able to give a thought to some stuff and search, you would be capable of seeing how “quirness” and the process of its normalisation actually harmed the people it was supposed to help.

The story was written for WoW and no longer for RTS and RPG’s. Literally from the get go WoW made everything worse. I think nostalgia blinded a lot of people during let’s say WotLK.
The world building and how Blizzard is operating with their game, mechanics, with the factions etc. makes it rather difficult for them to create a deep story. Not that it’s all that difficult, it’s just how they handle it.

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Well, it was because my war grey morale (there werent any). On the sidenote, i hate vulperas. The double standarts were the motto of bfa writing to be honest. And the way characters acted was nothing short of bipolar.

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