đź’Ą <New Paradigm> AotC Social Guild LF Socials and Raiders in The War Within!

Hey All!

:boom: New Paradigm is looking for more raiders and M+ runners for Season 4 and beyond! :boom:

As we’re a social guild first, everyone is welcome regardless of skill level or commitment to play time - we have a structure in place that has something for everybody and very much consider this game for what it is - a hobby. Family, work and other things will always take priority!

Created in late-Battle for Azeroth, we’re going into our 5th year as a Guild now with this successful formula of letting people play when they want to play, without stress and fear of “having to show up”. There’s a distinction between Raiders and Socials in NP - folks who are willing to and able to commit a bit more and folks who’re very much playing on their own time. Alongside our scheduled Raid content, we’re also hosting various Social events on Sundays ranging from alt and achievement raids to scavenger hunts among other things.

We’re currently looking to expand and make the community bigger so that we’re able to run larger events in the near and distant future as well as provide a learning environment for newer folks as we feel that there’s a need for such a space!

Below is an updated priority list for recruitment.

:star2: We are currently recruiting all roles so please reach out, even if your role is listed as low! :star2:

:shield: Tanks: Very Low

:pill: Healers: Medium

:crossed_swords: Melee DPS: High

:dart: Ranged DPS: Very High!

Ultimately everyone is welcome and the role status is mainly to secure a few core positions in the raid team. If you’re interested or want more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or one of our officers in-game!

Tinyredbull (BNet: FredMere#2156 / Discord: tinyfred)
Cubixhunt (BNet: XCubiX#21652 / Discord: pinar_r)

:arrow_forward: Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday @8PM-11PM Server Time/CET! :arrow_backward:

Sunday Socials usually start at the same time slot on Sunday!

For more information, check out our website .
There is a seamless application process there, but not necessary!

Enjoy your time in WoW and I hope to be able to welcome you to New Paradigm soon!

Speak Soon,


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