Hi. I’m supernew to pet battles. Currently trying to get P/P Emperor Crab in Dread Wastes. Made a macro to target Emperor Crab and only enter fights where crab is the first opponent. Haven’t seen any rares yet at all. Questions:
is it possible via addon or somehow to figure what other 2 pets will be prior to entering the battle itself?
does it make sense to fight only “crab main” trios or I can fight literally anything in target area since chances to meet rare crab as one of those 3 are somewhat equal?(or still possibly higher, since at least that way I hit a crab everytime …?)
any way to figure if fight will contain a rare?
something that didn’t even come to my mind yet, but might be important to know. maybe even some generally important starter pet battler tips
IIRC, most of the battles in that area have a Crab in the opponents somewhere. A useful tip to save your time/bandages for healing is to enter the battle with a team of level 1 pets you’e not going to use. If there is no good pet for you to capture, you don’t care about the 10% HP loss when you back out. You can then kill the lead pet with your character’s abilities (I think that works in Pandaria) so that a new pet will spawn in that area to replace it.
If you enter the battle and do see a pet you want, you can forfeit with your Level 1s, then slot your real team and engage again.
Use addons
Battle Pet Breed ID
Pet Tracker
Level 25s.
Get at least one pet to 25 ASAP. You can then visit the AH to buy more 25s to bulk up your collection fast. Depending on your budget, you can either buy a selection of bargain-basement Blue 25s just to have something that counters each Family, or you can focus on buying the most useful species and breeds.
This is your guide to the most useful pets
and read my comment at the bottom about the Breeds you want for each. With some species, Breed makes a BIG difference.
From the fact that you’re asking about a P/P Emperor, I’m guessing you already know that.
Do the Chain of Taming achievements to get your Safari Hat.
Once you have a small roster of 25s, go back and do all the Taming (Continent) achievements up to Pandaria to unlock the dailies and get your Safari Hat.
Do BfA World Quests to get Pet Charms.
Once you have some 25s, you should be able to do most of these. You can also do them with Level 1 pets; they scale down. With the Charms, you can buy Blue stones to Rarify pets you capture to save a lot of time hunting for Rares. Some BfA World Quests also reward Blue stones.