New Player EU Draenor Looking for guild! Wanna do endgame stuff!

Hey all! I’m feeling completely lost here lol but I’m gonna try my best so bare with me! I’m new to wow, I’m looking to get into the game and invest alot of time, I know that will take a while but I’m willing to learn. I am currently experimenting with warlock but I like mage a bit more in terms of playstyle as I come from Destiny 2 and I played warlock on there but to me Mage feels the closet to it in terms of gameplay.

More specifically the frost mage I love the vibe of it. I’m available mid afternoon to late evenings 10pm ish UK time and will be on majority of the week.

I’m looking for a guild where I can join and learn how to improve as a player as well as make some friends and be part of a group!

I’m Horde and on the EU SERVER DRAENOR!

Discord is Abyssgeo! If no one replies but just views thats fine I appreciate you stopping by thx!

Above the Lore are an expanding guild on Stormscale EU, currently with a heavy focus on pushing for higher M+, also working to find the most appropriate times for our members to raid, seeing as we span a few time zones. We’re a chill, social guild with discord server up, all English speaking. If the server difference is not an issue feel free to drop me a message and see if we are right for you.

BN: QweggyD#2216
Discord: Qweggla

hi mate can i get your discord or btnet to speak to you?

Howdy Abyssgeo and welcome to the World of Warcraft! :joy:

We are a casual raiding Guild based on Draenor that raids on Sundays and Tuesdays at 19:00-22:00 British time zone. Here’s a little more about us and if you are interested we can chat on Discord! :grinning:

Hi there and Welcome to the community.
We‘re a small casual guild on Draenor. If you didn‘t find a guild yet feel free to contact me ingame → Schalimar-Draenor or on
discord: Schali

  • Thanks!