New Player Feedback

I am a new player trying to get into the game because of Shadowlands. I have been playing for a week or so. I came to give some feedback as I heard that blizzard values written feedback. I have had many problems with classic and retail disconnecting. 51900319. I see this happening to Asmongold too… Apparently it’s my internet or routers fault, however, no other game I own behaves like this. I’m told it’s because wows netcode is far superior! Well, ok blizzard, of you say so.

My other biggest piece of feedback is balance. I have come to Shadowlands as a hard-core player of survival games, mmos, competitive shooters and fighting games. I met a Warlock and a Rogue. I am a SP and my mate was a druid. Levels all very close. They absolutely destroyed us in PvP… there was no chance for us to win. Even my druid friend beats me at lower level. I know there are changes coming to SP in Shadowlands but after watching one of the latest Asmongold reacts about class balance from Stoopz “Shadowlands is not ready” I completely agree that this is not how I want to be coming into a new game. I would much prefer to know that blizzard communicated much more frequently and admitted when classes were too powerful or too weak. But most importantly, they actually address class balance, biweekly or monthly at the very least. Knowing some classes can stay untouched for a whole expansion and even several expansions! This would make me quit definitely in the future if my class just sucks. Communicate more about balance. No one minds if you mess up, as long as you’re trying! We just want the game to be good.

I also agree that trying to balance borrowed power that comes with each expansion seems like a lot of wasted time when it all changes next expansion. The power should be tied to your character and carried on to each expansion, making you feel like you are getting more powerful and having it carry with you, and making things easier to balance as those balance changes stay in the game and don’t become pointless when new borrowed power mechanic is introduced and the old one dropped.

Balance is extremely important. Please address this with actual patches and communication on a biweekly or monthly basis at the absolute very least. Indie teams of 12 people can do this just fine.

I wouldn’t try to compare classes at anything below cap level, and even with that, I wouldn’t try to worry about balance until you’re on a level playing field in terms of gear/corruption/essences. The season and expansion as a whole is coming to an end, thankfully the horror show that has been corruption is going with it.

Skirmishes and duels at lower levels are funky due to scaling so I would just wait out until the new expansion.

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