[New Player Here] What profession should I choose?

What professions should I choose for my first character which is Hunter? [I would like something from which I can make money without investing too much money) on wowhead I saw that Herbalist & Mining is recommended, what would you recommend?

For a first character, I would always choose a gatherer. You can always change profession later when you have a gathering alt (Druid for non-Dragon-Flight flying areas, Evoker from next patch may be good for DF areas).
Later on, I’d move to Leatherworking & Skinning on a hunter as you can craft items for your own character. However, this late in an expac, don’t expect to make too much gold from it as most people have already maxxed out their Profession Skill and Knowledge Points (a new feature that lets you specialise in, for example, mail armour pieces) and will be able to undercut you on price as well as quality.

I’d concentrate on farming and selling old expansion mats at the start, as there’s also stiff competition (on a Region-wide Auction House) for Dragon-Flight materials.

Edit: (a few tips from a long-term player)

  1. When you post sales to the Auction House (AH) watch out for baiters, who put 1 unit up at a very low price & then buy out when people don’t pay attention
  2. When you’re more familiar with your market, learn how to use add-ons like Auctioneer and TSM (Trade Skill Master). There’s usually a guide somewhere and/or video tutorials to avoid making common mistakes (like not setting to post by Item Quality)
  3. Post a small amount at a time. You will soon be under-cut and Auction House fees (5% of the Vendor Price per 12 hours) soon add up. I do 20-100 for consumables & commodities, 3 for crafted, 1 for transmog.
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If you do go mineing and herb. Spec into elemental overload and use it on metamorphic and Lambert deposits for maximum profit

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