New player looking for a casual Guild

Hey all, merry christmas!

New player here looking for a guild! I played a lot of MMO’s before like GW2, OSRS and ESO.
A week ago i finally gave in, and decided to start my adventure in WoW!
I reached lvl 70 on my fury warrior and i think im almost done with the Dragonflight questline. Enoying the game so much i even ordered a true MMO mouse.

Now im basically looking for a casual guild with some helpfull and friendly people!
To get into and learn more about dungeons, hunt specific loot, maybe do quests together, and have random fun conversations!
I play in EU timezone on the Turalyon realm.

I’m mostly active during the weekends, but here and there during the week aswell.
Currently got a 2 week holiday so im active way to much…

If you think your guild has what i’m looking for please let me know! :slight_smile:

Hi there :slight_smile: And Merry Christmas!
Seems like you are looking for us :wink:
I’ll link what are our guild is all about.
Thank you, take care and Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday :slight_smile:

MYTHOS - Emerald Dream/ Terenas - Raiding Guild - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

Hello :slight_smile:
Thanks for the reply, seems like a pretty cool guild, i like the name.
Just to make sure about the requirements stated: 'Be around 610 ilvl +, gemmed and enchanted. Know your class. But most important of all friendly and willing to help when needed :slight_smile:

My item level is currently 303… so that seems way below.
My gear now is just a mix of random gear i got from quests, and the few dungeons i did.
And i don’t think i have gemmed or enchanted anything yet…
I do think i’m pretty friendly, and helpful when i can be lol.

I guess at this stage i need some help/suggestions first on how to get a good set of gear together. And what other things i could upgrade or focus on improving :sweat_smile:

Hi again :slight_smile:
The requirements are for raiding at lvl 80. We can explain it all when you are in the guild , if you would like to join us, that is :slight_smile:

Ahh gotcha. Well im up for giving it a try! Do you invite me or should i apply somewhere?