I’m the guild leader of a casual/social raiding guild on the Connected realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos. Unfortunately we already have a couple of points against us, as we’re Horde (booo … hisss! ) and on a different realm to you … and not a high population one either, at that. I’d probably classify us as at the high end of the low pop servers.
However, personally, I feel that if you’re in the right guild, it doesn’t really matter how many random people you see running around - its the people you interact with, that matter.
At the moment, we’re generally looking at having between 10 and 40 online at peak times - depending on the day and the time. At the start of the expansion we were around 60 at peak times.
To refer to some of the points raised in your post, about what sort of guild you’re looking for …
We are an 18+ guild that only takes new members via an application process. Most people who join are in the 30-50 range, have jobs, families and, often, busy real lives. We understand that real life comes first
We encourage new players, like to answer questions, and most of us have a whole host of alts so generally there will be a variety of content levels being done.
We have a “Mythic Monday” event where people get to learn M+ dungeons slowly and calmly, which also helps gear up new characters.
We have a Discord channel with several sections devoted to organising dungeons and M+.
The majority of members prefer to only do multiplayer content with other guild members. Some of us are pretty much allergic to pugs
Personally, I’ve played virtually every day (barring holidays) since 2007. Which is actually a bit sad, when you think about it
We have plenty of other members who are regular players and, often, even when they’re not actually playing, they’ll be taking part in chat in discord (which we use as a secondary guild chat).
We completely understand that learning mechanics comes well before output. No good being top of those meters, if you’re regularly dead after 60 seconds
Other than what I’ve mentioned above, we raid twice a week … we generally start a new raid working through the Normal level, before continuing through heroic. Initially we will run both heroic and normal levels, until there is less interest generally in running the lower level, at which point we switch to heroic both nights, although occasionally we may go back to the lower version if there is demand for it. Alternatively we may occasionally organise an extra raid day for that.
Raids are generally organised on first come, first served. There is a gear requirement, of course, but other than that … if you want to go, and can be there for the full night, then you can sign up. And if you can’t make it for the full night, often you can pre-arrange to be there for part.
We run raids on a Wednesday (9.00pm to 11.30pm server time) and Friday (9.30pm to midnight, server time) and often, on a Friday night, we also have a group who organise “PvP Friday” which is a very casual dabble in battlegrounds, etc.
You can read a little more about us on our realm post: [H]<Dark Wolves> Social, Casual Raiding & Mythic+
Our website: https://www.darkwolves.eu/
and/or our discord: https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe