Hey there i am a new player to World Of Warcraft and I’m looking for a guild to join ive probably played 50 hours or so and know i wanna really get going on this game.
I am willing to go to any server to try it out i just want to make some friends to grind levels and have fun with. would eventually like to raid and do dungeons!.
Please feel free to reply on this thread or add me through battle.net Brayshaw1994#2219 to talk.
looking forward to getting into it and having a blast!
I’ll add you - I’m mumm#2233. We have a really nice, growing guild on Hellfire that’s new-player-friendly, and we’ve got people recently re-rolled (either after pugging M+ with us or cos they’d started on another realm etc) so we’ve got a few people levelling atm.
We do M+ and are just about to start raiding so we’ll happily help people with gearing up and encouragement to join in.
Some of us like murdering horde so if you like that/want to give it a go, that’s a thing we do too 
We’re really laid back, laugh off mistakes and wipes, tease each other a fair bit and generally have a lot of laughs.
Hello there, if you havent joined a guild yet we have a newly formed guild called Dark Puma on Twisting Nether for Horde. We focus on making friendships whilst levelling and doing the odd dungeon or two. If you want, feel free to message me on discord ackersass#3969
Hi there. If you’re still looking for a guild and don’t mind rolling Horde, please check us out [Draenor][H] <Lost Rowsdowers> Social Raiding Guild 8/8 HC - Recruiting
Think we’d be a good fit for you