New Player Looking for Guild for legacy raids and new stuff!

Hey everyone! New player to WOW been mostly playing solo and focusing on PVE Content most of which has been going for old raid tmog sets!

I’m looking for a guild on EU Server that doesn’t mind helping me with legacy raid runs for tmog sets and learning current stuff and getting my foot in the door with M+ stuff raids/dungeons etc…

I main a warlock after trying out lots of classes for a while it’s for fits me. I’m learning the class still and the utility that it provides to a group setting.

I don’t mind doing a server transfer if I can find the right guild and we click! Active most of the week, looking to make some friends and enjoy the game with others and getting my goals achieved and sharing good times with others.

But yea TLDR:

  1. Find a guild to help me puruse old raid tmog sets and mounts etc…

  2. Be able to get into M+ raids and dungeons and learn stuff

  3. Make friends and actually be part of a community

  4. Find the place to call home that clicks and doesnt mind a new player trying to find his way!

My contact info is below!
Discord: voraiu
Battle Net: Voraiu#2282

Hey there!

You’re welcome to check otu Ministry of Silly Wipes!

Many of us, myself included, love running old content for mogs/mounts, and the likes =)

Have a look at the thread I linked, and if we’re what you’re after, or you’ve any questions, please add me!
(Contact details at the end of the thread!)

Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord

Or check out our guild recruitment post:


Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) might be what you’re looking for. We’re a small, people-centred guild that runs normal and heroic raids as well as M+. We understand that real life comes first - and life is busy! So our raid and scheduled M+ sessions are fairly short: raids are Sun and Tues nights 21:30 -23:00 Server Time. Our M+ nights are on the same time slots, with Friday being the higher keys brackets (the key levels change through the season, as we progress; the main goal for Fri night is working towards KSM and beyond), Thurs is practising, building confidence and improving gear, and when there is interest, Wed nights are learning, gearing and practising runs with baby keys. Currently, Fri m+ is being alternated with the Mega-dungeon. Loads of members run ad hoc keys as well, so you’re not necessarily limited to the scheduled runs.

Although we don’t run scheduled legacy content very often, a lot of members run that content for t-mog and mounts as well, so i’m sure that itch can still be scratched for you :slight_smile: Most legacy content is solo-able now as well, which gives you a lot of options :smiley:

Please note, we’re now in the end of season lull, so it’s quieter than usual :slight_smile: We are still running HC Aberrus for gearing and alts, and will soon be focusing on the achievements in there.

There’s no attendance expectations; we have fully social members, some who only sign up for raids and not M+ and vice versa, and those who enjoy both. We have quite a few members who work shifts, so it’s not a problem if you can’t make both raid nights every week. Obviously it’s better if most people can attend regularly though :stuck_out_tongue:

We currently have space for DPS in our raid team - and if you fancy M+, there’s space there, too :slight_smile:

If you’d like to find out more, feel free to contact me Bnet :sheira#1910 or Discord: Lakshmii#0552 (or since the name change, I think it might just be Lakshmii now!?)

Our raids are also usually live-streamed, so if you’re curious, look up on Sun/Tues evening during the times mentioned above :slight_smile:

Or, feel free to post a guild application at (You can’t see the full server as a guest, there’s loads more in there with member access :stuck_out_tongue: )

Looking forward to hearing from you!