Not really new but I only played Vanilla and TBC and Classic and Classic TBC:P
And in the vanilla times I mostly did dungeons and light raiding so I’m not a wow veteran
I want to try the official hc servers and the new season of something next year but in the meantime I want to resub and jump into retail and do some casual exploring of old expansions.
See the old dungeons, raids, zones , farm some mounts and transmog etc. I’m not really interested in current expansion things like raids and mythic +. At least for now.
What old content can be explored as a solo player? You can’t do shadowlands raids solo right now right?
Can you do most dungeons from past expansions up to shadowlands as a solo player?
Any class that would have a problem doing this?
Can I just level up to 60 doing the bfa quest line and then get some crafted gear from the AH to solo old stuff?
What item level would I need right now to do this?
How much would a set of crafted gear cost me? I know it will depend on the region but would it be 5-10k gold or 100-500k gold just to get some crafted green of blue items.
The AH is now region based right? Every server in say EU has access to the same AH correct?
Any tips for what professions would be good for this type of play style? Would things like tailoring, leatherworking, smithing give me access to some cool transmogs?
I will run max two characters and yes I know you can buy the boost but I rather buy the token to get some gold and level up the normal way.
cheers o7