New Player, Warrior or Warlock

Hello everyone and sorry already for my English.

I started WoW in WoD at that time and enjoy the game but couldn’t play. So now I am back on the game and played few classes to try them between 30 and 60, and I also bought DF and TWW. I don’t have that much time to invest in a game so I wanted to play like two classes at most.

I have already a Paladin Ret 60 and enjoy his gameplay but like a secondary character, in case I want to heal or tank one day (maybe more tank, healing has never been my thing in all my mmo life).
And I am hesitating between Warrior Arms or Warlock Affliction.
Both are really interesting to play (for me) but can’t find a way to choose between them. If you have advice like how are the classes in hl or raid for example thank you.

I am mostly a pvp player but I like a bit of pve, and sometimes rp also.

Sorry, I understand that you may have already received this kind of questions before, and for my faults in this text.

Hi, and welcome!

You already have a Paladin? Then you already have a very fine tank! The Protection spec of Paladin is my favourite tank.

The way the devs work in Blizzard is to make classes more - or less - powerful from time to time, so there will never be a class that is “best” for very long, but they keep the strengths pretty close, and Protection Paladin is always a solid tank. (The Holy spec of Paladin is also always a decent healer.)

Have you tried Protection Paladin? Since the stats are similar to Ret, all you really need to do is get yourself a one-handed weapon and a shield, choose Protection Specialisation. You really should try it. You will find a solid starter talent build at Icy-Veins

So you are looking at Arms Warrior and Affliction Warlock? These are very, very different classes. Personally, I prefer Fury (which is fun!) to Arms, so I’m not really clued in on Arms, but there is a huge difference in how it FEELS to play a melee class like a Warrior or a Paladin, and how it feels to play a caster like a Warlock.

Obviously, you can use a Warrior as a tank with its Protection spec, and you can’t tank with a Warlock. And neither class can ve a healer.

Ask yourself this: do you want something that feels like your Paladin, but a bit different, or do you want something that is VERY different, that has slower abilities to cast, but stays at range, where you can have a fuller and clearer view of the fight?

Given that you have a Paladin that you like, I would suggest:

  1. Try Protection spec on your Paladin. Just quest with it for a while to get the feel of it.
  2. Try Warlock. It is very different being a caster. You will know quickly whether you enjoy it or not. If not, then try Warrior!
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Thank for your answer Gráinne,

I am fine with the best, medium or worst class anyway, just looking for my fun class no worries I am not looking to play something which is powerful in particular.

Tbh I did try the Paltank but like … 5 or 6 levels in questing ? Not that much but I am doing mostly quests or pvp (when I can, at my level pvp is almost nonexistent). I think I will give it a better try when I know more about the dungeons that I will face.

I am fine without healing to do

I will thanks

Already done for this one, I did play most of the classes (not evoker, dh and hunter tho, but not interested in them anyway) to 30 at least for the ones I disliked and between 50 or 60 with Warrior Warlock and Paladin.

I did enjoy also SPriest but the spec disc and holy were not for me.

Edit: Small Update,
I began DF for the first time two days ago, I will stay with this war.

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