New Player

I am looking for a nice RP guild and some friendly people to level with.
I am a pretty new player, looking to meet some people/friends and play fairly casually for now. Any people or guilds who would be interested in levelling with me?

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Well I suppose what faction you are is a pretty big part in your question. Although I don’t know too much about the Alliance guilds on this server, as far as horde side goes I know there are many rp guilds around, including my own who have focus on rp and always welcome new players.

Been thinking of giving this realm a shot, but struggling to decide which faction to join… Is there other faction more wpvp focused than other? I heard the population ratio is pretty even at least so thats a plus.

Well I would like to think the horde is generally more agressive but I havent really seem a big difference in the Wpvp numbers between the two factions so I would say roll what ever faction you like more i.e roll horde or die by my axe…

I kinda wanted to try druid in classic, horde is out of question.
But if i were to roll like priest or warlock for example, i’d roll horde.

do you dislike Tauren so much

Yeah! Sadly, can’t stand that kind of bulky character! And since model editing isn’t allowed in classic …

If you want to RP, play the race with the lore you like the most. PvP is going to be plentiful either side so let the fluff take you where you want to be.

You want an RP realm then Hydra is for you.
The ZT repam as less players doing RP and the starter zones are almost empty.( Gold shire as well)
On Hydra, they are plenty of ppl there and I am one those players as well. :slight_smile:

Don’t fool yourself, there is lots of rp going on in ZT although it may be a bit more secluded to guilds at the moment. We will only be able to truly judge the amount of rp on here after the majority has finished the level 60 grind. But the last thing we need are comments encouraging players to go to different servers for rp.

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Maybe for the horde due to some popular streams or YouTubers being there…Nixxiom and T&E.
But on alliance side, it’s almost a ghost town…
Edit: compared to Hydra!