New Players in WoW | TOXIC

Wow, how could this ever happen when your dungeon group is made of complete randoms who have never interacted with each other before said dungeon and they’ll never see each other again? Why would they be toxic?

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Then these people would just report someone with low dps or who gets lost in a dungeon as “bad behavior” and it gets even worse.
Blizzard needs to look into this, either with their own moderators or some kind of automated system. The players can’t be trusted with it.

Humanity in general is getting worse even IRL
People witchhunting others for expressing “wrong thinking”
Nearly everything is offensive to some people
And worse of all, the big corporation find it important to placate the aforementioned groups.

PS: Also many beloved entertainment brands get taken over by creatively bankrupt people and start churning mockeries of the original thing that made the brands great.


So this… This happend to me constantly. Are new players expected to go trough Mythic school somewhere? Mythic academy before even daring to apply to one? I got told this one so many times, And it came off as if people genuinly expected me to have watched and memorized all the youtube tutorials before signing up for a mythic. Memorize all the tactics and encounters before applying. Is that a real reasonable thing to expect of all new players?

Sure I can watch some tutorials in my free time. But when I see a ‘‘Shrine of the storm’’ up for grabs in the premade finder, I don’t have time to watch an entire 20 min+ youtube video before signing up for it.

Is learning by playing really such a bad thing?


Hasn’t always been so bad. At one time i would be able to say that I had not been in the particular Dungeon before and any quests I needed. Would not do that now, would be chucked.

If players are overdoing it simply report them cause even if you speak with them they will just insult you next. If i see someone talking like an edgy teeny with insults and all in bgs i wait for a while and then report them for language too.

Also here a little story of my low lv Mage when he was below lv 60 so random classic dungeons Blackrock and alot of quests to level up. First i was happy cause with my heirlooms it means like 3-5 lv ups if I’m lucky.

The first two Healers needed to be kicked. <- Yes. Seriously.
While the whole group followed the tank for epic questing. The first two Healers we got insulted the tank AND group for wanting to do quests for leveling.
They also tried to force us to do the quick route which would be ignoring all the quests.

But yea there is a part of wow community that is just like that. Trying to act all edgy cool and know it all while they are actually just pulling an ego stunt.

Simply kick them for being vile mouted. Some may even grieve the party, then report them.

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Shrine of the Storms is a bad example for you. Shrine of the Storms is the instance which really requires understanding of the mechanics, and is VERY unforgiving at every level. Especially with the Trash pull all the way up to the 3rd boss. Know who to interupt, not to over pull, where to stand etc. I can’t believe how many groups have failed in that instance because the Tank jumped into a group, rather than pulled them back. Or the DPS wasted it’s kick on Anchor of Binding, rather than Mending Rapids.

There are definitely more forgiving instances, such as Freehold or Atal Dazar. But still you can always spot the players who haven’t checked the tactics before hand with those.

Memorising every tactic, every kick? No. Having seen the Tactics, and having an understanding of what to expect? Yes, those YouTube videos take 10mins MAX. I recommend FatBosses. Running Mythic 0 before running someone else’s +5 Key? Definitely!.

Remember, you are playing with other players who have spent their time learning these tactics. Yes, this is a game where some players have ALOT more time than others, I respect that. But if the Dungeon fails because the Hunter didn’t know to stand in the Blood Pool and inadvertantly heals Priestess Alun-za over and over again, you can understand why the team might get frustrated with them.

You should never shy away from any level of the game. 5 Man Dungeons are the BEST experience WOW has to offer. But please show the other team members the respect and courteous to have some idea of what the dungeon does in-advance.

Maybe even say before the instance starts that it’s your first time there. I’m sure someone will share the tactics with you as you go along.

EDIT: To EVERYONE: I just want to jump in here and state that Bad Language, Name Calling and general aggressive Behaviour toward other players is wrong.

Remember, you are playing with other players who have spent their time learning these tactics. Yes, this is a game where some players have ALOT more time than others, I respect that. But if the Dungeon fails because the Hunter didn’t know to stand in the Blood Pool and inadvertantly heals Priestess Alun-za over and over again, you can understand why the team might get frustrated with them.

You should never shy away from any level of the game. 5 Man Dungeons are the BEST experience WOW has to offer. But please show the other team members the respect and courteous to have some idea of what the dungeon does in-advance.

Maybe even say before the instance starts that it’s your first time there. I’m sure someone will share the tactics with you as you go along.

I hear what your saying, And im glad you didn’t double down and go full throttle against me like I feared was just about to happend. But as a new player and even a old player doing low level keys for the first time. You don’t expect to go up in group with elite players who knows the tactics in and out of their own pocket. And you don’t expect to recieve such flame for not knowing it either. Even less so if you are a new player.
A new player who hears being told to know tactics and watch tutorials will of course take that very literally. They wont know how little or how much to take from that. So they will assume they are expected to take notes and memorize the entire list of tacts and kicks and the whole ordeal. Speaking from personal experience, Thats how it landed with me anyway.

As a new key runner. or player, You sign up for the available keys at your level. Wether it be Shrine of the storm. Or freehold alike. It doesn’t matter. You just want to be able to run the ones available to you. So you quickly pick up the mindset that you gotta memorize them all incase they show up in the premade finder. And you don’t have time to watch and read up the guides before the spot gets taken and the group vanishes from the list.

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I don’t believe it is. Neither do I believe it is selfish not to have watched however many videos etc.

People learn in different ways and some can’t learn that way. I’m one of them - I’d never do this kind of stuff by watching videos, reading stuff etc because I have a terrible memory and would forget.

Anyway, as far as I’m concerned I’m here to PLAY a game, i.e. relax and have fun. Learning dungeons is part of that so I would absolutely do it by playing the game/dungeon because that’s where the fun part is.

Sadly, some players take the game way too seriously and forget this I think.

Edited because I can’t seem to type today! lol


M0 and Heroics are there for learning whilst playing. All the mechanics are there, and they are challenging enough for new players.

It’s more about having Courtesy for the people you are playing with. A Key can be lost due to 1 person not knowing what to do. M0 and heroics, do not have timers, they are there for learning.

Player A - Spent time learning the Dungeon tactics. They have finally earnt their first +5 Key. Good for them! They go to LFG and put a group together where they select Player B.

Player B - Heard +15 is where it’s at, and didn’t bother learning the tactics in advance. They didn’t let the team know that they were a new player. The proceed to run through all of the bone piles, didn’t know to kill ALL 3 Totems at the same time, and doesn’t collect the blood pools.

Player A is notably upset. They’re time and effort has been ruined by someone who selfishly couldn’t be bothered to learn in advance.

I am certainly all for “helping the noobs”, and I do not in anyway tolerate bad language or name calling. But respecting other players is not just a one way game. Respecting other peoples hard work is also important. Realising that when you’re in a group situation, you are in a group with people of all levels of experience, and that means VERY experienced players as well. You may expect help to getting through new content, other players may expect other players understanding what to do.

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If we where talking a 10-11+ Key I would totally get behind this example. I too would be getting kinda upset if people still messed up on the most ‘‘Don’t stand in the fire’’ tactics. But at a 5+ key? You kind of expect people to still be noobs down here and still learning. You can still mess up tactics by allot. and still have time to spare to make the end in time. I am all for player courtesy as well, But i think the expectations people are having are in reverse, The lower the keys the better people expects you too be. And the higher the keys the more understandable it is to fail because they are naturally higher difficulty. For a new player this is very stressful to wrap ones head around to begin with.

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Fair enough.

Personally I wouldn’t be trying anything beyond basic/low level while I was learning anyway.

I stand by my opinion but I do believe that players who, like myself, learn by playing should be doing these low level dungeons etc. before attempting the more difficult ones. I know that could be argued as being obvious but, by what I’m reading in some of these posts, it would seem the opposite is what’s happening in some cases.

u can ignore allmost all mechanics at this difficulty level. so most people dont even realize that something happened when a mechanic hits

That’s just it!

It’s the mentality that the difficulty doesn’t begin until you’re above +10.

The difficulty begins at +2.

Yes it does. But there is time to factor in as well. You can do allot of trial and error and still time a mythic at these lower keys. Where as at 10+ the amount of mistakes you can make before you run out of time goes away rapidly.

I’ll re-iterate.

+10 is NOT entry level M+.

+2 is entry level M+. You need to build your way up to +10. and +5 is part of the journey from +2 to +10.

2-3, sure is forgiving for mistakes. But as the levels go up and the Affixes start to pile up, the need for understanding the tactics is important.

Show other players respect. Understand what to expect before you sign up.

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+15 apparently. I posted in a Visions thread to say 5 mask visions were as hard as +15s and got several replies saying that +15 in S4 is only as hard as a +10 usually and that +10 usually isn’t that hard.

On this we agree. No arguement from here

It’s more of an issue that they always want a perfect run even for lower keys.
Maybe it’s because of that raider .io addiction.

I got my key destroyed by a guildmate once [lv 6 key] only because it got over time. AND that was a guild group.
That was in one of my previous guilds i joined.
Actually it was pretty much clear at start that i just wanted to clear it. For the Loot.
So failing the time wasn’t even an issue cause i needed to gear up for better keys.

Edit: If you want to know : It was the tank pala he simply left the instance group and you can’t get new people while you run m+

Raiderio mentallity defenitly contributes to this indeed. Guilty of it my self, If I had a stroke of over timed runs on my IO i would notice. Or at least have that mentality. That if i didn’t get accepted into several mythics in a row afterwards. It was because my Raiderio acted as a bad resume so to speak.

Allot of people even leaves Mythics due to this reason too. So they wont have their inperfect runs besmudge their perfect IO page.