New Players in WoW | TOXIC

Tough skin is required in most of online games especially the one requires you to interact with other players.

Just forget what happens and it will be only a memory at the most.

Big ups to anyone who continues to clear after a person leaves or the timer runs out.

I don’t give up on a group I join unless people start throwing around insults and bad language. I don’t tolerate name calling or aggressively insulting other players. I report, I leave, new group.

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We would have tried but it was the tank so i had to break my key if we had cleared it i would have gotten just a new lv 6.

To be honest i’ve met lots of people i enjoyed levelling with when doing all my alts. Just because i have heirlooms doesnt mean i know sh1t about that class and people have been very helpful in giving advice. Not once got a “you suck” everyone who attempted to help was really nice. In a game WOW size you are bound to get idiots and its the old saying, you remember 1 bit of bad service for every 10 good

I think the first part is extremely doable but I dont see Blizzard rewarding players for being helpful with items when they cant even be bothered to deal with toxic players for being well toxic :joy: .

I had the same with a group of 3 people… Al of the sudden i had a vote kick message they wanted to kick the mage because he was fire spec and while leveling fire does no damage… They went mental on my but when i voted no.

The guy is new and wants to play fire mage… Not his fault that the class early has no real damage.

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Make a fire mage and go dungeons… You will randomly teleport out of the dungeon and get a a 30 min debuff… Try it.

I think a small portion of this community play to make friends, so unlike the rest of us degenerates, they don’t see the humor in most things.

That’s funny :joy:

The fact that OP got his comment flagged for merely mentioning how toxic the community is proves his point far more than any of our comments could possibly do.

This community is nothing but a toxic cesspool which Blizzard have let fester for over a decade.


People keep kicking new players. Even from leveling dungeons… it is so bad

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Not surprising , people want things done as soon as possible , at least the majority , especially while leveling. Leveling might be fun to a new player but for older players it’s a boring chore so the faster it’s done the better. If you have one dps doing strictly no damage , things take longer so they get replaced. Seems fair to me , they’re new players sure but they’re not exempt from having to pull their weight throughout the dungeon

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Im sorry for this, but honestly before you enter a raid you should know a few mechanics, otherwise you end up wiping again and again others that did read and know mechanics. Its kinda… Toxic itself id say.

Sadly, kicking and namecalling is not something that should take place.

This happens in every game where solo-queue matchmaking is a thing. Go solo-queue some ranked Dota 2 and you’ll find the same thing. The only way to significantly improve it is to get rid of LFD/LFR, and that wouldn’t fix it entirely.

These are the same people who in lfr want to kick low dps afer a whipe Its lfr there always gonna be players who join who still have bad gear and have low dps

No idea why your post is hidden??

On topic - many dev belives it’s not pressing issue not they want to spend time or resources on it.

People are also people - it’s new era not 2000. Adapt or cast aside is reality.

Pretty much this , it’s disrespectful to join a raid or a dungeon and have no clue what to do or do really low damage. You’re basically taking the spot of someone who could actually contribute. Even in lower level dungeons , if you cant pull your weight and you’re basically not doing anything , you’re out , new or not


And now the new player will find out that the only way not to get kicked is to 1) have their own party so it’s mechanically impossible to remove them or 2) not be seen as the player who’s making foolish mistakes/deadweight.
Then they will become jaded and cynical: Everyone can be kicked, DPS are expendable, tanks & healers are pretty much gods so it’s more likely other DPS guys will back them up rather than you in any argument because they want to finish the dungeon too and takes 5 seconds to find new DPS, but 5-30 minutes to find new tank…
Hatred will gnaw at the newbie, making them resolute and vicious. They are now prepared to play endgame WoW in the real man-eats-man environment like M+ or raiding guilds. And they owe it all to the party who kicked them first time.

Or the new player could, y’know, get into friendly social guild where people just don’t care about anything, certainly not such silly things like wasting others’ time by being the standing-in-fire lazybutt…


This is just BS Sorry but everyone was a noob once Everyone once had a moment where he or she joined a dungeon Now we have a dungeon and raid guide But in the early days we had no such things You had to find out the tactics your self


I’ve never seen anyone in LFR get mad as someone else asked the tactics.
LFR is specifically made to learn the place with training wheels on.
I might be lucky and i don’t run LFR much, if not on fresh alts, but that is my experience. most of the frustration i see is after a wipe if peoople didn’t know the tactics and wiped the raid not asking for them.