New profession system is DREADFUL

Yeah ive done most of those things except for artisan rep, renown and weekly chest farming . Should also say that i did swap main prof 3 times cause i fkd up the knowledge points lol. The first time i looked at the KP system i thought the best strategy was to branch out and be good at everything in enchanting, quickly learned that wasnt a good strategy. So next time i rerolled BS and followed wowheads KP spending guide. Should have looked at the comments on that guide beforehand cause it got alot of flame there for being misleading. So the third time i learned from my mistakes and decided to specialize in crafting major plate armor pieces like chest, head and shoulders. A while into that route i thought of one word that made my face turn blue, tier pieces. So then i rerolled AGAIN and went into shield spec instead and thats where im now gonna stay until the end of the expac.

Spending Knowlage at wrong talent is a mistake , but i woud argue that swapping proffesion multiple times is a bigger mistake

With the benefit of hindsight it was a mistake to swap. I thought the KP system was gonna be timegated and that everyone was gonna be at relatively the same KP level every week from doing the prof weeklies. I thought by correcting the mistake as soon as possible i wouldnt fall that much behind.

I tried my best but a few days ago I just gave up since I realised crafting professions are for the elite now. I wanted to make a little gold but instead lost a lot wanting to level my profs.
My alts are stuck on tailoring and alchemy.

My main took gathering profs instead
 I do a few round in Azure Span to pick up herbs, mines and rousing stuff and heave an income. It pays for my flasks.

To me, professions are no fun anymore.


The honeymoon is definitely over. WeÂŽre back to the old status quo.

People burning up their gold by crafting goods which 99% are less profitable than just sell the materials. Nobody cares about ranks, if best rank is the only thing that matters.
Try to sell high rank goods, you will get undercut in milisecs by auction house dwellers. They dont care about the price, they only care you dont sell anything.

I gave up on crafting some time ago, only my alts do equip each other if possible.
Picked up gathering profession, make all the gold I need for anything I ever need, get paid by the auction house dwellers, they dont care about the price, they only care nobody else can buy anything.

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I ate soup with a knife.
Couldn’t I just use a spoon? Yes of course, I was just trying to illustrate the rank bad logic of knives.

Is that supposed to be amusing, Forrest?

I trust that, with hard work and determination, you will be able to figure that out yourself someday.

You need some intellect, Forrest, I could help.

Thanks a lot Jack.

120 feels very sparse honestly for a profession you’ve been at since the start of the expac
as a blacksmith I’ve completed 5.5 rings in armor smithing (~30ish per ring so 165), hammer control first ring (so 195ish) and 25/5 in specialty smithing/alloy so thats 225 knowledge points
if I had used contracts for artisan consortium I’d have 235 by now but I played with a valdrakken contract cause I wanted to beeline dragon armor
I’m not following any guides tho, just getting it where I run into it other then the obvious weekly artisan consortium reps so 290 doens’t feel very outlandish if I’m at around 235

unless you’re using your profession to further your own player power or that of your guildies/friends the main way to make money off of professions is to post Q3 reagents on the AH.

Some Q3 reagents require crafting professions tho, so either check if any of your professions reagents are ok priced at q3 and just focus on that if you want to make money and only try to sell finished products when you find an actual buyer for it.

I missed a few weeks on launch because i was just trying to learn the whole KP system through trial and error so thats maybe 30 points i should i be down but someone having 295 is still mindblowing.

I expect alot of changes to professions in the upcoming patches, it is as unfinished as legion m+ is compared to dragonflight m+ for example the failure that is crafting orders and knowledge points for alts.

I do like some of the new crafting system but a few things are overkill.

I think if they could just remove the whole quality system that would be great, I never get any craft orders for things I can make because I cannot guarantee the top rank, or are willing to sit recrafting to proc inspiration
 please drop inspiration too! Oh you want to add this extra, that adds more difficultly then something else, I cannot even see what rank I can make it at, without having it already as a craft order. I hate to promise something I cannot make, so I just don’t make anything anymore.

A catch up system for the knowledge points is needed and possibly the ability to reset it, like once every x number of weeks, for the poor souls like myself who messed my profession build in the early days before I really understood it.

I think if you have the recipe, and the knowledge to craft it at a certain item level, then you can make it regardless of what extra’s they give, quality of mats, inspiration procs. If someone says hey can you make this 405 ring. I can say for certainty “Yes” send me an order.

Public craft orders would be better then, either the crafters can make what you want, or not, you don’t get something rank 1. It would also make public craft orders ( with the daily cap ) actually useful, and I’d not have to sit in trade spamming for someone to craft my item for hours.

I do really like spending the knowledge points, and unlocking something new via it does feel good. I also enjoy mining, looting treasure to get new points.

I think the dragon item thing, the epic loot drop you check in, could offer more points considering it’s rarity?

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It’s one of the worse ideas since vanilla. Period. I’ve reached 100 in Enginering, but I still need over 100 points! I’ve given up on anything that just “improves”, trying to focus on just areas that give recipes, but even then
 I can’t play 10 hours a day, just flying around, praying some treasure might give me a point

Looks like you fell into trap by wanting to good in everything, this sytem dont allow that in the begining. Later we will all be able to be good at everything.

When I started, I didn’t know the gear to the extra points would be rarer than an honest politician

The OP is stating the obvious.
The points system is a disaster.
Whole system, as an idea, is okay tho. But you know, many great ideas had terrible realizations.

If only we had a “reset points” system, then we could take advantage of what we learned during the grind

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