New profession system is DREADFUL

I was excited for profs this expansion but the way the system actually works in practice is it puts even more power in the hands of the hardcore goblins and makes crafting completely useless to your average player.

Knowledge points are absolutely everything and those who fully understood the system and/or abused the dirt farming bug make enormous gains through those additional points. They are therefore able to sell at significantly lower prices and still maintain a margin.

For everyone else that just does the normal weekly stuff, margins are razor thin or in many cases, even negative! As a consequence, you absolutely need to be leveraging tools like TSM to constantly cancel scan the AH to sell high volumes on the few things that actually have some margin.

Crafting orders are garbage. Nobody makes public orders since you canā€™t set a min quality. Everyone just seeks out the top crafter on their server so they can get the max rank made.

Thereā€™s no valor/conquest style catch-up system for the knowledge points, either. If youā€™re behind, youā€™re behind pretty much forever. Or at least until the goblins have maxed everything and the prices on the market plummet before you get there.

Basically, if youā€™re a typical player that would like to engage in a bit of crafting each week, make a bit of gold to fund your character etc. but arenā€™t a hardcore gold farmer, this new system is infinitely WORSE that what we had previously. Just go mining/herbalism because crafting is for goblins, exclusively.


Lack of cath-up system for knowleg indeed sux , as well like week one abiuse of shards , but everythink else is kinda 100% given when blizz used words like " we want to create system that reword crafters"

minimum quality on public orders wont help , it will simple repleac 1 problem fore another. Main issue is that there is to meny crafters and no real cost or CD on craftink so its basicly supply and demand issue

Exactly right.

There should be timed lock-outs on way more of the crafts. One dedicated crafter can serve an entire server currently.

Iā€™m fine with a hardcore goblin getting x% more margin than me because heā€™s optimised more but with the current system, youā€™re either controlling the market or making quite literally zero gold.

Iā€™d say this is the worst state Iā€™ve seen professions in, in the 15 years Iā€™ve been playing the game.

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I donā€™t think it is this bad. Maybe for high-volume markets / consumables like enchants, phials and potions. But on the gear-crafting front it is relatively relaxed, if you want to put the time in to hang around in tradechat and are willing to answer tons of questions.

Leatherworking perspective: you need ~150 knowledge points to get all armor slots (leather or mail) to 405/418 with inspiration proc. more points just make it cheaper when rank 2 material is good enough. But from my experience no one in trade chat actually bothers with r2 materialsā€¦ so with 150 you can play a part of the whole leather-crafting-scene. And 150 knowledge isnā€™t that big of an issue if you put some effort in.

I did play a lot, sitting at ~290 knowledge, but a friend just started with mail armor about 2 weeks ago to look into the profession. With a bit of guidance and 2 evening from him sitting in tradechat while watching tv, he is now at 100 skillpoint, made a some money and is overall happy that he can support the whole guild with top notch mail armor.

So as bad as it might look when just starting out, after 2-3 weeks it is a non-issue on the gear-crafting topic.

Well it have problem Yes, but I woud argue that even with thouse problems craftink is probably in best stat ever for this game.

If you look at all post expansion crafting ether was garbage for leveling and LFR quality staff only or totaly mandatory like for some class in TBC or for Perks only like in WotLK/cata

My problem with this new system is the levelling part. I donā€™t care if market is owned by the ā€˜goblinsā€™ who monopolize the crafting trade on the endgame level, but but putting the simple proff levelling behind time and money gate is not a good thing.

I guess that makes many people mad about the new sytem is not that they can not make big profits, but the fact that they canā€™t level up their proff to the max level.

I understand the reasons, and the originaly plot behind this crafting sytem, but it still returns to the problems before:
1.) By the time you level up your proff, to make stuff, the items became obsolate, you already have better gear from drops.
2.) And as it was seen in SL, professions are a huge money sink, that will never give back itā€™s price, because in reality, vs. the planned ā€˜the community will work together in a big hugā€™ intent from the devs, most people will bypass the order sytem, and will look for directly for the high endgame crafters, like OP said. An because of that the average people will think twice if they willing to waste all that ingame money. And with that, the professions, the different branches, etc will be an unexplored, unuseful part of WoW (again?) for the most players.


If you only want to craft for yourself the skill in the profession doesnā€™t really matter that much. and ~70 is easy to reach. The ā€œhow do I get max skillā€ is something from the past. And with the next patch the other specialization are unlocked earlier.

Knowledge is the important part, where you get a lot very early with the hidden trainer, one-time-pickup-chests, quests and first craft bonus.

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i what to be avable to craft ilvl 418 rank 5 tier set peaces ā€¦
i also want to be avable to reset my knowlage points if i wish ā€¦

I had a ton of Wildercloth so I thought I would try the public order system to get 10 x Wildercloth bags made.

It asked for 12 x Wildercloth Bolt and 4 x Spool of Wilderthread for each bag, so that meant I needed to place public orders for those items before I could place the order for the bags.

I could get the Wildercloth Bolts by placing public orders, but not for the Wilderthread, this has to be bought on the AH.

Unless I missed something, public orders cannot be added for multiple quantities, only singles.

So, in summary, to get my 10 bags :-

  1. Buy 40 spools of Wilderthread off the AH.
  2. Place 120 separate public orders for the Wildercloth Bolts - 5g posting fee + commission on each one.
  3. Wait for the public orders for Wildercloth Bolts to be completed.
  4. Collect the Wildercloth Bolts from my mail box.
  5. Place 10 separate public orders for the Wildercloth bags.
  6. Wait for the public order for Wildercloth Bags to be completed.
  7. Collect the Bags from my mail box.

Or I could just go buy the bags off the AH :rofl:

Words fail me.


Couldnā€™t u just buy bolts from ah? That part is same as it always was since release of wow. You can either ask any tailor to craft em for u or buy bolts directly.

Yes of course, I was just trying to illustrate the rank bad logic of the system. I would say over 90% of the items listed on there are either pointless or unnecessary, Wildercloth Bolts being a good example. Also only being able to order in singles is hugely laughable.

In fact, **Wildercloth Bolts (3 x Wildercloth) are 76s apiece on my server, whilst a single **Wildercloth is 1g1s, work that one out!

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Something like a crafting exhaustion (that you could overcome if you were dedicated but it took a lot of gold) would go a long way. Or perhaps do something with inspiration, where your inspiration lowers the more of the same item you crafted in a day. The higher the ilvl, the more it would ā€˜drainā€™ your inspiration. Basically it should come at a cost to keep crafting quality goods continually.

This change will actually make the problem that this thread is about even worse. It will make life harder for crafters trying to catchup. It will make customers pay more. And the money will go to the high skilled crafter who abused the system in the first week.

  • The gold cost for overcoming ā€œCrafing exhaustionā€, will be paid by the customer not the crafter. Because all the crafters will raise their commission to overcome that cost. Even crafters who are not ā€œexhaustedā€ will raise their prices, because if other crafters are raising their commission by 15K, I can still raise mine by 10K and be cheaper than them.

  • A low skill crafter who hopes to level up by crafting item level 392 with inspiration, will hurt if their inspiration get lowered. Customers would go to a higher skilled crafter who can guarantee 392 or 405 without needing inspiration.

  • A low skill crafter with 15% inspiration will have their inspiration chance go down to zero, faster than a crafter with 40% inspiration chance.

  • Customers who want to craft a level 418 item with missive and embellishment, will struggle to find a high skill crafter whose inspiration is not depleted. And when they do, he will charge a lot extra.

I am playing on the same server as you. I am wondering who is ā€œcontrolling the marketā€?

I am making few crafts everyday (making about 80K-100K gold per day), I could make 10 times more if I was more dedicated (I have seen people linking the 1000 crafts achievement, I am nowhere near that).

Itā€™s not ā€œcontrol the marketā€ or ā€œzero goldā€. I definitely donā€™t control Kazzak, and I definitely make some gold not zero. I also didnā€™t abuse anything (I wasnā€™t aware than abuse existed until I read it was already fixed). So itā€™s not as bad as you make it seem.

When it comes to crafts that can be sold in AH (pots, phials, enchants, reagents, etc), yes the crafter are being shafter their. But this has always been the case.

This is the first expansion since vanilla, that I am able to make good money crafting gear.

For sure, I do find it difficult turning on trade chat and looking at the spam. Not sure if thatā€™s bots or just people spamming tradeā€¦

  • First leave the trade (services) channel. This should make all the posts related to boosts disappear (or you can have that channel in a separate window).
  • Make trade channel in itā€™s own window (so you can still read guild, party and whisper chat with all the spam in trade)
  • Use an addon to filter trade channel messages you are not interested in. I use an addon called ā€œGlobal Ignore Listā€. I filter out words like ā€œguildā€ (to filter guild recruitment posts), ā€œelemental lariatā€ because I canā€™t craft it half the posts are about it, etc. Just customize the filter to your needs.

If you do the above, you will find trade chat manageable even on a crowded server like Kazzak which I play on.

Thatā€™s some great advice and Iā€™ll probably take it onboard next time I log in, would make my limited time much easier! Thanks for that

How on earth do you have 290 knowledge points? Ive been following wowheads guide on farming KP very consistenly since launch and currently am sitting at almost 120 points.

First crafts ,Renow , Artistan reputation , hidden treasuers , hidden proffesion master give you around 190 depend from proffesion and are 1 time think that is easy to get with exept with some first crafts

Yuo can get around 12 points per week from weekly quest and cheast treasures and with what like 11 weeks of Dragons give like 122 Points

Alsow you can get Shards of knowlage but are extrem rare

So if you done everythink since start and didnt abiused Shards in week 1 , having around 300 knowlage is kinda standard