New Profession UI

Hello. I’ve taken my timed to update the new profession UI, to show what I actually care about. Took me about 5min of Paint Gameplay, so I’m sure you can do it too :blush:

Benefits of this new UI:
-It can be used along other in-game interface windows like the Auction House, Profession Trainers etc. -Never Seen Before-Technology- :scream:
-It saves a lot of un-used real estate on your monitor. 30-40% I would estimate.
-Very light weight in terms of code. Less window = Less code :ok_hand:

Future updates include:
-Fixing the Filter System / Bugs
-Adding separate dropdown menu, for picking Expansion

Last Notes
I post this in a funny demeanour, but there truly are some serious flaws, bugs, headaches of the new Dragonflight UI update. These listed are just a few of those, that I experienced today.

Please dont force us to use Addons, just to fix these things.


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