New pvp talents!

I’ll be nice and correct your misunderstanding. The fact that it’s in dark, the part about

and healing transfer increased by 20%

means it’s getting removed.

You’re welcome.

Trinity as it is NOW is what increases it by 20%. Which is the part they’re changing into the lighted text.

I guess i will just quit until they fix this sh*t with dks.

Yes, as I said, they are buffing Atonement healing, in those notes as a way not to hurt Disc for changing Trinity to something else.

Discs relied on Trinity to have Atonement healing, yet they couldn’t always play Trinity plus the talents they actually needed. Now, since Atonement healing baseline was buffed with those notes, they can. Nice !

Not in the link at the top. You must be talking about some other notes.

I think shadenox is referring to

  • Atonement’s damage to healing transfer has been increased by 20% in PvP combat. - it’s mentioned in this one, not in the one which op linked.

Yeah I found it while you were writing that.

^ Which makes that 100% accurate. And him mistaken about which notes are being talked about. So there.

Which is weird as it’s the notes for the same PTR build. They can’t even copy paste properly anymore. Where is the world going !

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Combine it with Cleanse the Weak and every dot class that isn’t Affliction Warlock is absolutely countered. What a “great” designed. Cleanse the Weak already countered Ele but if you combine it with this Judgement crap then I’ll never have Flame Shock on the target. Thanks Blizzard what a great design. 2 talents that dispel everyone within Aura range.

Why do you even buff Shadow Priest dots if you are adding such talent later while having Cleanse the Weak already in the game. How can you be so clueless.

Also new Shaman PvP talent:

Seasoned Winds Honor Talent

Requires Shaman

Interrupting a spell with Wind Shear decreases your damage taken from that spell school by 20% for 12 sec.

Do you think that anyone would ever take this crap?

that talent might actually be bis vs shadowplay. kick one shadow spell and u get all shadow spells damage red, for 12 sec, which is ur kick cd. so u have 20% less dmg taken vs shadowplay as ele now. since u wont kill a priest or lock in a single go, this might be very handy to help ur healer.

I still wouldn’t take it as Ele over Grounding, Lasso or Skyfury unless I play Affliction L.S.D. Why? I’m not going to win a long game unless I play Skybreaker lego where I outdamage Shadow Priest. Otherwise reducing damage and still going for a long game doesn’t actually do anything as in a long run I’m still going to get outdamaged and lose in dampening since I can’t smoke any of them with no Skyfury. Without Grounding I might just get killed with Mindgames and Lasso is key part of Ele/Mage.

For Enha maybe - but still Swelling Waves and Grounding are mandatory and the only thing you can skip here is Thundercharge because you wouldn’t play Shamanism into SPriest anyway and even if you kick and get that buff they will basically CC you and kill your partner.

For me it’s absolute waste of a PvP talent because you are already good vs this comp as Grounding + Wind Shear makes you already one of the most disruptive classes and you can dispel Agony every 8 sec. Instead I’d love Blizzard to add something against meele cleaves because it’s a thing that both Enha and Ele struggle the most. While in the past Rogues were biggest counters currently Turbo is favourable matchup vs RMP and Ele also counters Combustion very hard.

Still literally not 1 change for ww, nice, keep adding those brewmaster talents

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