No more furries… Seriously give the Ogre gang what they want for a change.
Or you just know the forums will never hear the end of it. And anyone who plays them are all kinds of vile and evil.
Tuskar and Ogres for the redneck gang.
No more furries… Seriously give the Ogre gang what they want for a change.
Or you just know the forums will never hear the end of it. And anyone who plays them are all kinds of vile and evil.
Tuskar and Ogres for the redneck gang.
They are technically furries you know…
Yeah but ‘‘they’’ Don’t known that… Shh.
Oh! Sorry.
Nevermind then
Quilboars would be fun to have tho’
A race of aggressive, primitive boar-like humanoids native to Kalimdor? Horde material if you asks me! Tho’ maybe there would be tension about the Orcish pigfarms…
Actually what Azeroth need is Loxodons, an Elephantine race from D&D
Would be an ideal Alliance race; they are massive, kind, stubbornly loyal, and only occasionally given to bouts of beating smaller creatures into a pulp
There we go…
…But now you’ve angered the Human and Elf gang too who hates fantasy in a fantasy game. And only wants more humans and elf races too.
Your of course all kinds of vile and evil for playing and wanting this race as well. And we will make three threads a week after your race is launched moaning about how much we’d rather want another human or elf race and how usueless you are to our factions.
B-b-but the Ogres are not Humans nor Elves either!
That forum bug that turns your elf jetblack on the avatar tho’ gave me a nice idea about a Drow-like elven subrace… something between the Dark Trolls and the Kaldorei. They evolved in to elves, but decided to go back to the darkness of the caves and underground… spiders are optional
See now you just gone and pissed of the human gang. Who hates Elves and only wants more humans in the game… And we will of course also make three threads a week complaining about how we’ve had enough elves in the game…
Seriously you cannot win. Your damned if you do damned if you don’t.
Unless the next race is Tuskar, Ogre or a gurgling fish. We’re comming for you
I’m willing to make a compromise…
Hmm that might work actually…
Lady Stheno and her Naga seemed reasonable and not that pro-Azshara (tho’ we saved Azshara too, so… firends?) and helped alot in Legion… worked well with the “lesser races”
And we have toys, spells, quests that turns you in to a naga, every animation and model is in the game already…
Hey why not? If that suggestion survives the playermodel wont work gang. Naga seems to be a race even the Ogre/tuskar crowd approves of too… But don’t take my word for it.
Just here. Enjoying my last hours before another monthly ban o7
Well the Mechagnomes have a few item slots that are invisible, like the tauren, Draenei, Vulpera and Worgen (maybe even the Pandaren) with the boots… so gear is not an issue
I don’t know about the Drachtyr, but I gues they are not overly dressed either in their true form
Naga could have visage…
Or not, just be Naga
Sitting on a mount isn’t an issue either, they rode on turtles in WC3
You make reasonable arguements…
But you know Blizzard apologists will still pile on you with the ‘‘Butplayermodels’’ Arguement… Unless its an ogre or tuskar… or murloc. Everything else falls under the player model arguement.
wow I am just being so much fun over here xD …I am sorry Kentarro… Just channeling two years of forum pessimism and cynicism onto you now
The funny thing is… two out of those three races not even have a female model. Tuskars I think have female tuskars… but not sure.
Thats why we play
To have fun
What a feast for the eyes female ogres will be… Oh dear.
We play to have fun seems to be forgotten on allot of people the past two years.
If anything since the Vulpera where added and the forums is anything to go by…
Think i forgot it somewhere down the line my self… Visiting the forums like checking the newspaper everyday is -not- healthy for player fun
No, no no. I do not want murlocs, they are only in the game to squish. I was talking to the guy above, he wanted a standalone murlocs faction.
Pfft… more like Fnoll and Gurbolg. We already have Vulpera and Worgen furries <3
For the love of…
Do you even know what a furry is?
The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes
If you loved Tom & Jerry, Ductales, or 99% of the cartoons, movies and such as a child, congratulations! You ARE a furry!
The fact, the haters are so focused mainly on the sexual aspect of furry fandom (and before you say it, every fandom have a sexual aspect, O pointy eared one) speaks very poorly of them (or like in the case of most of the gaybashers, secretly have an interest…)
And for your information, the Horde since the begining had “furries”, you know… Tauren?
Shooting down Zaathi’s awesome ideas, just because he is not focusing on humans is wrong on so many levels I can’t even count!
I whould love to play as a Gnoll!
Still no official announcements from Blizzard on the Gnoll Allied race.
I am a sad Souldefiler.