New races for the Horde

-50% playerbase, lost territories to the Horde after being wiped for 15 years!

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i think we have enough races to be honest and since this a erevien thread all the suggestions are terrible as expected

Alliance came out on top in Bfa. The Horde got shafted. What I want is equality.

Equality ? So what aboot the fact that 75% of the playerbase is playing Horde ?

Lore equality matters. The Horde got fully bamboozled. Our cities were turned into raids and our leaders got killed. That is much worse then any pve numbers.

Lordaeron should be given to its rightfull owners, ie the mighty Alliance !!!

Stormwind and Boralus should be razed and their people enslaved. That would ensure total Horde dominance over all of Azeroth.

How about no?

We could have many different more races that are lore friendly :

Centaurs - but i dont see how would they make armour work, racial - back hove kick (throws enemy away ) :))

San’layn could be added to Forsaken when creating alt together with Darkfallen, or choice of undead Orc/Tauren/ Dreneai/ Dwarf / Trolls. give them twisted passive of their racial maybe :stuck_out_tongue:

there is also the Ramkahen(not sure if i write it correctly)

or some Different type of human kingdom maybe taller a bit or the race that serve Odyn and Helya,

There is Still thingy going about Naga too(how long could we wait ? Blizz does what blizz wants they dont want players to have fun :sweat_smile: :joy: :thinking: )

I support Mogu, Ogres, Amani, Sethrak and Hozen for the Horde.

the only place the amani trolls belong is on a pikes outside of Silvermoon you betrayer of your own kind

Amani are OG Horde allies. Just like Ogres and Goblins.

You do know the reason the amani are mad at the horde is because the horde refused to honor the deal to kill the high elves aka us right if you got your beloved mongrels into the horde you would not be playing a blood elf now that Erevien would be dead

The elves never tried to exterminate the Amani. After the troll wars they were left alone. Also this here happened

because of human mages. THe elves had no hands in that.

Pygmy and leper gnome for horde!

We’re not talking about ancient history we’re talking about the current history in the current history the amani want us dead and have no place in the horde

and you know what Erevien I’m glad that the Zul’jin is suffering eternally in revendreth for his crimes against the High Elf people and if you was a true blood elf fan you’d be too but your not your a Fake

Come on, no need to start a flame war here. We already have risks of forest fires.

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