New Realm Connections are Underway

I think it will happen.

Last time, I remember Trelw’s comclusion that “the RP 5-way” was a viable option, and if it was then, it surely is even more so now.

And I would expect DB to be rolled in. It hasn’t been doing so great in BfA, I think.

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Finally, thank you! :fireworks:


This is not true. Which client language you use is totally up to you. If you as an English speaker using the English client roll on a German realm you ARE expected to use German in public channels. If you fail to do so, you can get reported and actioned against. That’s what the realm languages are there for.

Not that a whole lot of players would bother to report you for speaking english. The emphasis here is on PUBLIC channels. In your party/raid/guild chat you are allowed to freely use whatever language you want.

OT: Too little, too late. I would have actually preferred region-wide AH at this point. Even if the population of my realm would triple or quadruple it would still have a much worse AH than Silvermoon or Argent Dawn - so the only benefit i could theoretically get from this is mythic raiding - which i do not intend to do. If i were a mythic raider, i would have transferred off my low-pop realm YEARS ago.

Sadly, i expect little improvement from this.

I agree. I am on the same server. Moonglade could do with a bit of a lift.


Not too keen on having more OOCers flood in along with the other smaller RP realms, but it’s something I can deal with if it means new RP friends (and being able to continue cool cross-realm RP with more ease). So, all in all it’s very good news! But…

Please don’t merge us with AD. Please don’t merge us with AD. Please don’t merge us with AD. Please don’t merge…


Some realms never got a good kickoff, or some had hardware issues so long ago that modern players do not remember, but it killed the realms.

Often the driving force is the PvE teams that gather communities around them, or in RP realms certain groups build own small communities with ties.

I do not argue against your statement, but also some realms have had problems like a decade+ now, so the dynamics are way more multi-layered

This thread needs adding to the stickies.

The reason this hasn’t been done for a few years is that the technology to do it was broken when they did some realm updates. So they had to rewrite the code for it, now I hope they are quicker at it and do it worldwide rather than doing all the US realms first.


Good news.

A bunch of my toons are on HIGH pop realms… but with my faction side in the <1%

Hoping this will help

It doesn’t mention balancing faction population. Just increasing population.

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Dear Kaivax, I hope you’re doing well. I’m a M.V.P from the French Community.

This is a good news for lowers-population realms.
However, I’m pretty worried about Roleplay realms. French Roleplay realms.

Our French RP realms are mostly alliance-side. We have three interconnections : Confrérie-du-thorium/Clairvoyants/Les-sentinelles, Kirin tor (they are alone), Culte-de-la-rive-noire/Croisade-écarlate/Conseils-des-ombres.

The point is Culte-de-la-rive-noire/Croisade-écarlate/Conseils-des-ombres are the only one connection realms with good ratio Ally/Horde. Kirin tor is a very big realm with 90% ally and Confrérie-du-thorium/Clairvoyants/Les-sentinelles with 70/80% ally side. If you’re going to merge all French RP realm, Horde players(Horde Guild) will die.

I know that we are not “low-populations realms”.

I beg of you, don’t forget us. Please consider everything for these RP players BEFORE you do something about French RP realms. We already have a WM problem. (Although the Horde is outnumbered, the alliance has the WM bonus on RP French realms). Don’t kill this horde side with new realm connections. And we have a great RP community!

Best regards,

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aye but being merged with higher same faction realms would help



Does this mean server merges or just “connecting” realms?

I’m waiting for the list of realms that are being merged together.
Would they merge Horde dominated with Alliance dominated or keep those single faction realms…

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kilrogg, nagrand and runetotem, could take some more realms also, we might not be a dead realm, but a few more realms could be connected still.

WoW do connections, this means no one loses their character or guild name but you are essentially like a merged realm. The AH is shared between all connected realms, you can recruit directly from all the connected realms, joining any guild on them. You can trade between them etc.

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Personally I hope they’d also try to address faction balance in the connections so that the newly connected realm group would be suitable for players of any faction. But then, as someone playing the minority faction on my own realm, I’m biased in that regard!

or atleast for new players or rerollers, show the population balance when making a new char, that way people know where to go


Blizzard as a PLEA from roleplaying servers, PLEASE, do not merge them with normal realms, if you HAVE to merge please only merge rp servers with other rp servers, it’ll end in disaster otherwise.

Can we have a bit of clarification on this one?

What is considered a “low-population realm”?

There’s currently 54 “medium-population realms” on the english EU servers.

Compared to that, there’s only 17 low / new player realms.

Most medium realms are considered as dead. Perhaps not as much as the “low-population realms” but they’re still no option for competitive guilds to play on (Source: Aversion transferred away from EU-Onyxia to one of the largest german realms, solely for the sake of having a filled auction house. They stated this exact thing in an interview)

EU-Onyxia is currently considered a “medium-population” realm. Is anything going to happen to these? Are they considered low pop realms even though the serverbrowser says medium?

Also how are you going to link servers? Are you going to put low pop realms and squish them together? Or are you going to use the higher pop servers and add a few low pop servers to them?

I’d love a fair bit more information regarding your plans. If you can’t give me any, sure that’s understandable, but I’ll have to ask, simply for the sake of planning for the future of my guild. And I’m sure many people think similar.

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