New Realm Connections are Underway

Im also pretty sad if this is the end of it. Was pretty hopefull for a new realm connection as that would be the best for my realm. If shadowlands can return wow to legion numbers i think we will be fine without any connection for a while. here’s hoping :sunglasses:

I’m fully expecting our realm to, at a minimum, triple in activity come Shadowlands, for a short while, anyway.

At least, that’s what we’ve seen in guild come each new expansion.

Of course … 3x a low number, is still a pretty low number :wink:


With the sharding system there should be any queue on any realm because that system split the players in multiples shards when there are too many players on the same zone, so even in Draenor were connected more players that a zone shard allows they should be separated on two shards on two different servers. Servers and realms are not related anymore.


There may not be any queues, but lag is much more likely to happen the more people that are online. I know this myself as my main realm is Silvermoon. Even this past week I have experienced more lag and I’m pretty sure it’s because more people have come back in preparation for the pre-patch and later on the expansion.


It’s really annoying how they didn’t start the merging sooner. Maybe it’s because of corona, but Blizzard is known for slacking when it comes to things like this.
They are also known for not communicating with their playerbase, which is even more annoying.
If I had such a devoted playerbase playing a game I created, I would cheerish them - not act the way they are doing.


I think they didn’t merge enough servers each week.
They clearly stated in the net 2-3 months they’re going to merge all low pop servers. Now 3 months has passed and to me it looks like they merged like 30% of them. Speaking of English servers.

We also have to consider they were merging servers with different languages at the same time but still, 1-2 connections each week it didn’t look good from the start.

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worldwide its a reduction of exactly 30%, we went from 260 to 182 once the last one finishes… Interestingly enough there are 91 servers in classic as well so this means that There are exactly 2x the number of realms on retail than classic, idk if thats a coincidence or not but its kinda interesting…

That being said EU is a bit less, but that was somewhat expected since population wise, EU servers are on average better off than US or asian servers were when the programme started, over among the 2 asian regions they went from 18 realms to 7 in this programme (and OCE also lost half of its servers as well).

Obviously this doesn’t include Chinese realms but those are harder to track thanks to them not sharing the same API.

This thread was unpinned 3 days = it’s over. I guess we have to pay to get off these horribly dead servers

I’ve not seen a queue since TBC mate…

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Well, lucky you, just because you didn’t experience queues do not means no one did because I clearly remember having queues after TBC

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I guess warcraftrealms is officially ded now.

I’m not sure if it’s quite dead - I got the impression that it would at least stay up and running until the patch at which point, because there was the whole issue of the level squish, the data would then not be able to be integrated into the site.

Having said that, I’ve been unable to access the site or their forums all day. We could hold out hope that perhaps there’s some maintenance going on … alternatively, you could be right.

So … is there any point in having seperate realms any more, other than for language and type? I realise there are the hardware issues, but I’m sure they could do something about that.

Mm’yeah. Haven’t been able to connect for 3 days now.
We’ll see but it doesn’t look good.

Blizzard has never confirmed this but I believe the bottleneck is the Auction House. Before the AH revamp the system was so slow because probably we already were in the limit of what the AH system could sustain, I am sure that the new AH has been made more efficiently but I don’t believe it could sustain a unified AH for all the region. Unlike regular zones, the AH can’t be distributed dynamically in different servers like zones and shards.

And in case a unified AH were possible then we could discuss if it is a good idea, but that question is on itself pointless as long as a unified AH is impossible.

True. AH is a big, BIG, difference between large well populated realms and those less so. Token price is game-wide, but not AH stuff

Yeey, Warcraftrealms is connectible again!

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Cos my server is low pop, but apparently not low enough for merge :confused:

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Well, it can be worse, my server is low pop but it was mostly everyone horde and it was merged with a medium-full server with mostly everyone alliance.


Time to buy a lottery ticket, you’re on a roll!