New Realm Connections are Underway


Scenario three (“relatively good version”):

All six problems are paired with a “High” option.

RP solution as above. At stage two Scarshield Legion / Ravenholdt / The Venture Co / Sporeggar / Defias Brotherhood is used as base for adding the previous 5-way.

English program ends.

Scenario four (“Trelw’s dream version, simplified”):

Scenario three is executed. After it finishes all remaining current “Medium” realms are re-examined and connected as needed. Argent Dawn and the shiny new RP 10-way receive FCMs for those who do not wish to stay on RP realms.

Scenario five (“Trelw’s dream version, complex”):

This version is not finished and as such will not be published for now.

Any thoughts / improvements / horribly bad / other?


As someone on those smaller RP realms, that sounds just fine to me. I can’t speak for those on the non-RP realms you mention.

Scenario 1 seems likely for the RP realms. Scenario 3 will maybe see some initial reluctance, considering the Defias Brotherhood used to RP-PvP, not RP-PvE. But with Warmode being a thing, I really don’t see that as problematic in practice. It sounds even better, the more I think about it.

Free character movements for non-RPers stuck on RP realms would be a popular move by Blizzard as well. If they include guild movements, I can see whole guilds migrating to a realm more in line with their playstyle. People getting more enjoyment will always benefit the game.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that 10-way merger, to create a sister realm to Argent Dawn that can thrive to the maximum potential. Roleplayers having a good time, are very engaged and loyal fans. A healthy climate like that could engage a great number of people. However, given past experience, at this point I will be relieved if we even get a 5-way merger at all. It’s likely of course. But I wouldn’t say it is guaranteed.

Seeing Trelw’s predictions and dream scenarios does fill me with optimism.


@All: Probable actions, my predictions, other languages, part 1:


Connect Nemesis and Pozzo dell’ Eternitá. After removing PvP-type, keeping these separate no longer makes sense.


C’Thun is connected to Exodar / Minahonda
Dun Modr remains single.
Colinas Pardas / Tyrande / Los Errantes remains as is.
Zul’jin / Sanguino / Shen’dralar / Uldum remains as is.

@All: Probable actions, my predictions, other languages, part 2:

French RP:

Confrerie du Thorium / Les Clairvoyants / Les Sentinelles is connected to La Croisade écarlate / Culte de la Rive noire / Conseil des Ombres and Kirin Tor, leaving a single RP 7-way.

French normal:

Hyjal remains single.

Archimonde remains single.

Ysondre remains single.

Chants éternels / Vol’jin remains as is (at least for stage 1).

Elune / Varimathras remains as is.

Marécage de Zangar / Dalaran remains as is.

Uldaman / Drek’Thar remains as is (at least for stage 1).

Arak-arahm / Throk’Feroth / Rashgarroth / Kael’Thas remains as is (at least for stage 1).

Naxxramas / Arathi / Temple Noir / Illidan is connected to Suramar / Medivh OR Eitrigg / Krasus (stage 1).

Sargeras / Garona / Ner’zhul remains as is (at least for stage 1).

Eldre’Thalas / Cho’gall / Sinstralis is connected to Khaz Modan (stage 1), and then either Suramar / Medivh OR Eitrigg / Krasus (stage 2, depending on stage 1 choice).

@All: Probable actions, my predictions, other languages, part 3:

German RP:

Die Aldor remains single.

Die Arguswacht / Die Todeskrallen / Das Syndikat / Der Abyssische Rat / Kult der Verdammten / Das Konsortium remains as is.

Die ewige Wacht / Die Silberne Hand is connected to Todeswache / Zirkel des Cenarius, Der Mithrilorden / Der Rat von Dalaran and Forscherliga / Die Nachtwache in multiple stages.

German normal:

Antonidas, Blackhand, Blackmoore, Blackrock and Thrall remain single as do Aegwynn, Eredar and Frostwolf.

Anetheron / Festung der Stürme / Rajaxx / Gul’dan / Nathrezim / Kil’Jaeden remains as is.

Nefarian / Nera’thor / Mannoroth / Destromath / Gorgonnash remains as is.

Nazjatar / Dalvengyr / Frostmourne / Zuluhed / Anub’arak remains as is.

Arthas / Vek’lor / Blutkessel / Kel’Thuzad / Wrathbringer remains as is.

Dethecus / Terrordar / Mug’thol / Theradras / Onyxia remains as is.

Rexxar / Alleria remains as is.

Arygos / Khaz’goroth remains as is.

Ysera / Malorne remains as is.

Malygos / Malfurion remains as is.

Garrosh / Shattrath / Nozdormu remains as is.

Nethersturm / Alexstrasza remains as is.

Un’Goro / Area 52 / Sen’jin remains as is.

Then the really complicated part: Gilneas / Ulduar is connected to any four of the following and the remaining five make another complex group… Ambossar / Kargath, Tichondrius / Lordaeron, Teldrassil / Perenolde, Durotan / Tirion, Lothar / Baelgun, Norgannon / Dun Morogh, Proudmoore / Madmortem, Echsenkessel / Taerar / Mal’Ganis and Azshara / Krag’jin.

This is one possible variation, there might be others that I have not yet thought through.

I have now covered all EU regions, I think. I hope I did not miss any realms from the non-English ones. :smiley: my head hurts, rubs eyes

I think realistically all other RP realms combined would still be a fairly small RP community compared to AD and would eventually suffer the same problems

I think one server for RP would be the best solution as long as it would get serious GM support to keep it an RP server instead of the very hands-off approach we have right now

It would actually be kind of interesting if it was a brand new realm - as a kind of " server lore reset " or whatever (not that I personally think that kind of thing would be a big deal - but I know others do)


@Gráinne: If you are still reading this thread, would you mind giving the prediction posts a generic once over to see, if you spot any obvious errors or oddities (or unintentional omissions)? :slight_smile: Thank you!

@Perroy: IF RP realms consisted of only RPers then most likely yes, but as is, both Argent Dawn and the Defias Brotherhood grouping contain so many actives that combining all 11 RP realms is not realistic in the short term (or in the foreseeable future).


That would indeed be a misstatement as basically all younger generations of Finns are more or less tri-lingual by the age of 16 (any two of the following three: Finnish, Swedish or Lappish and at least one foreign language, often, but not always English). While I was nowhere near super fluent, I spoke four languages by age 16… and that was 30 years ago. :smiley: However, WoW at least used to be extremely popular among the very young here and excessive use of expletives would suggest that the problem lies more in the extremely young age, where actual lack of skill still plays a large role. One can not really expect a 8-12 year olds to use multiple languages well, when even the own native language is still lacking.

I know, I know. I don’t want to generalize. I can’t speak for their age either, but I’d wager most ‘kids’ nowadays will pick a game that’s not even older than they are.

From what I have experienced, the Dutch were probably a bad example pick as well as almost every Dutch player I have encountered has been able to express him-/herself in fluent English. However, I do understand your underlaying sentiment. On public channels, it would be best that a language understood by the majority (on English support realms English) would be prevalent. When that does not happen, it is frustrating and/or feels like spam.

Poor example, but the one I used because I’m Dutch too. But I’m not pointing at educational systems of certain countries here. Even when it’s excellent, it’s usually just a numbers game - when the scales tip the majority will just expect everyone to speak ‘their’ language.

Generally speaking, the “fix” is a situation, where no smaller language gains an actual majority and this requires large enough factions. “Finnreaver”, “Swescale” and a few other realms are challenging, but most are far too big to get connected.

Since I am working on my own “shadow outline for connections”, I am going to ask you a more specific question and would appreciate any input you might have. Do you know any “Low” or very low activity “Medium” classified realms / connected realms that would be non-English majorities?

I don’t know about any specific realms, like many I’m just playing mostly on one realm, which is why I have the ‘Finnreaver’ experience. I’d be surprised if Blizzard didn’t have these statistics. When 70%+ of any realm come from the same (non-English speaking) country, you’re asking for difficulties.

All I’m asking is… not again.

@Deathmaster: A noisy minority is enough. I do not have access to Blizzard statistics, but as far as I know, there are only two (connected) realms that have even 30% of one country / limited region… and those would be Portugal for Grim Batol / Aggra and the former Tzechoslovakia for Drak’Thul / Burning Blade.

Wow, only decrease by 6? That’s not bad at all, keep in mind I also have many chars on german, french, spanish and 1 italian realm ofc, but considering english is the language with by far most realms it’s not a big change indeed.

@ [Grobluk]: I have to disagree on 1 thing by direct experience, you said “The genuine hot items usually go for goldcap regardless of server anyway.”

That’s just not true, in wod I got all of the mounts worth going because of their stupidly low drop rate and the removed ones for around gold cap because 953k gold was enough to ensure you won back then and with garrison we had a lot more, wouldn’t have gone for cap if it were a decent one, as a matter of fact I didn’t get lucky enough to be able to throw a winning bid on galleon and raptor during wod, it never came on my 8 capped realms, and the 3rd day of legion I got raptor for 1,269 mil with a 10 mil cap, that’s nowhere near capped!

And then as soon as galleon decided to show up on my realms (and it never went for cap on any realm I saw it till then) I got it on one of the highest pops, draenor, for 1,412, again nowhere near.

Now this expansion the yellow infernal, which has since been fixed but back when introduced to BMAH it was 1 in 1.000 drop or so, hence worth going for, went for 1,575 mil on my main realm immediately, decided not to go for it to save some, and indeed, 1,05 mil few days later, and finally the argus mythic mount, was always going for 2 mil + and then finally on a good day got it for 1,16, as you can see they very, very often don’t get capped, unless you’re on a high pop.

There’s maybe a single item that regularly gets capped even on low pops atm, the zulian tiger, even then I’ve seen it for as low as 2 mil on a realm at short.

@Esploratore: So large portion of the realms are already connected to something… and for the other languages, you may want to go over my predictions, though I have to stress they are my predictions, NOT facts. :smiley:

But then we would end up merged with AD with no alternative whatsoever, which isn’t very good for people who specifically migrated away from that place.

AD + RP megacluster on the other hand sounds perfect, especially if said megacluster still ends up smaller than AD. i hope it would rejuvenate our RP scene without overcrowding it.


That’s a good indirect question you asked, I got curious as soon as I read it and I’d have guessed argent dawn would’ve still been a little bigger than all others together cause defias is decently populated but the others are minuscule, yet it’s very close looking at wow progress activity, they would end up slightly larger than argent dawn if you put them all together, and if you consider argent dawn is a lot more healthy atm, they could end up being very close by the time connections happen, obviously these numbers must be taken with a grain of salt cause wow progress lists characters based on raiding activity, not casual activities or RP, but realm pop is gone, so that’s all we have aside from an in-game census of all realms at same time.

@Trewl: checked your other predictions too, quite interesting, the biggest upside of this for me is that I get closer to my goal of having characters on every single eu realm, so when you say example auchindoun connected with doomhammer I like it cause I will no longer need a char on auchindoun that I have 0 slots for, while when a realm I already have chars on is connected to another it’s sort of a waste!

I’m feeling bad for levelling a dk on todeswache and die natchwache atm, I like levelling but I guess I’m gonna end up regretting it soon if they connect them with der rat and silberne hand, as I already have chars there, don’t need 2 more!

@Esploratore: I do have to note that I do NOT like scenario 1 and most of the player base would likely agree with me. It simply does not do enough. There is also the fact that for certain areas it is possibe to take radically different approaches and Blizzard might have thought patterns that radically differ from mine. Additionally, the player base might have surprising reactions, depending on what happens and because the connection plans are complicated to begin with, major surprises might end up throwing monkey wrenches into the plans… :smiley:

However, whatever happens, it will be interesting to see how things start to turn out… and once Blizzard releases at some information, it will be slightly easier to see in what sort of direction they intend to go… :slight_smile: As I did with the original Connected Realms program, I will probably do some sort of update on my predictions this time as well, once I have more available data at my disposal… :smiley:

Ah, ok, I also think I took a decision but I have a question, more like a confirmation from you:

The dks I was levelling lately were on these realms: frostmane, die natchwache, todeswache, area 52, antonidas, dun modr, and this was before they announced the connections; now, I have a feeling 4 of them would end up connected sooner or later this expansion, thereby wasting my last character slots remaining, so my plan is to keep antonidas and dun modr and delete the other 4, while they’re still only around level 85, and remake them on grim batol, blackmoore, dalaran and ysondre, I obviously read your predictions earlier, but do you think it’s quite safe to choose these 6 realms in the hopes none of them gets connected (with reasonable certainty)?

@Esploratore: Hmmm… I would say your options right now are as follows:

  1. Play ultrasafe and just wait for now for more info.

  2. Only remove the first THREE, not four, then hold for more info.

  3. Only remove the first THREE and replace them with Ysondre, Blackmoore and Dalaran, in that specific order of preference.

  4. Think of an entirely different plan based on what you already have.

Personally, as a player active on both AD and the Sha’Glade Cartel, a merge into a RP-super-server would be my utopia, but in practice i’d agree with Linaria that keeping AD single plus an additional 5-way merge of the smaller RP realms is much more… user friendly.

For one, from my view as an old school Moonglader, the smaller servers have a much more relaxed server culture towards RP. While we dearly miss the kind of open world RP AD still has, people are generally content to stick to event- and guild-based RP in a much more casual manner.

Plus the smaller servers have a much higher OOCer percentage which would be extremely disadvantageous for AD to receive. For a small group of dedicated RPers, you’d receive a majority of non RPers who’d add to AD’s grief. Free server migration off RP realms would IMO not entirely fix the issue, as many of the OOC folks are often people who used to (at least casually) RP back in the days, but now almost exclusively only PvE - yet still feel too much at home on their old server (cluster) with their RP tag than to move away to a PvE realm.

Oh my biggest concern was that you could NOT trade and interact with ppl. Ty for the clarification!

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I’m on it. My old data is hopelessly out of date tho. Parsing pages from,, is tedious. I wish I had my old editor … May take a day or two just to get set up enough.

Just looking at the numbers, I don’t trust any of them. Do you know of anything better?

But from the numbers I have, I see another possibility. You seem to be thinking along the lines of all the existing connections being further connected, maybe followed by a pass at the Medium realms. Just trying to get to targets, I have to wonder whether connecting some of those existing low connections with Medium/High realms like Stormscale, Magtheridon, Chamber of Aspects might not be a better strategy in the first pass?

For example

“Auchindoun / Dunemaul / Jaedenar is connected to Doomhammer / Tyralyon.”

is still going to leave a low-pop realm, likely not viable, about 20% of the size of Silvermoon or Draenor, according to the partial numbers I’m looking at, and once they have done that, they can’t pull them apart to pair them with a larger realm.

But even if they follow a minimal model, I have to hope they are looking at more of the sparse connections like Aerie Peak / Bronzebeard, and of course Vintoleth’s Dragonblight / Ghostlands.

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@Gráinne: Do not overstrain yourself… worries and as I noted to Esplatore, the scenario 1 is one that I do NOT want… but it is pretty much the worst option that might happen… hence me calling it “ultra cheap cheat version”. :smiley:

English realms are complicated enough that I went through four scenario versions and there is still scenario 5, which is so complex that I am not likely to finish it today or tomorrow… and since Blizzard might announce something on Monday or Tuesday, I am considering putting it on short term hold for now… :smiley:

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