@All: Probable actions, my predictions, other languages, part 3:
German RP:
Die Aldor remains single.
Die Arguswacht / Die Todeskrallen / Das Syndikat / Der Abyssische Rat / Kult der Verdammten / Das Konsortium remains as is.
Die ewige Wacht / Die Silberne Hand is connected to Todeswache / Zirkel des Cenarius, Der Mithrilorden / Der Rat von Dalaran and Forscherliga / Die Nachtwache in multiple stages.
German normal:
Antonidas, Blackhand, Blackmoore, Blackrock and Thrall remain single as do Aegwynn, Eredar and Frostwolf.
Anetheron / Festung der Stürme / Rajaxx / Gul’dan / Nathrezim / Kil’Jaeden remains as is.
Nefarian / Nera’thor / Mannoroth / Destromath / Gorgonnash remains as is.
Nazjatar / Dalvengyr / Frostmourne / Zuluhed / Anub’arak remains as is.
Arthas / Vek’lor / Blutkessel / Kel’Thuzad / Wrathbringer remains as is.
Dethecus / Terrordar / Mug’thol / Theradras / Onyxia remains as is.
Rexxar / Alleria remains as is.
Arygos / Khaz’goroth remains as is.
Ysera / Malorne remains as is.
Malygos / Malfurion remains as is.
Garrosh / Shattrath / Nozdormu remains as is.
Nethersturm / Alexstrasza remains as is.
Un’Goro / Area 52 / Sen’jin remains as is.
Then the really complicated part: Gilneas / Ulduar is connected to any four of the following and the remaining five make another complex group… Ambossar / Kargath, Tichondrius / Lordaeron, Teldrassil / Perenolde, Durotan / Tirion, Lothar / Baelgun, Norgannon / Dun Morogh, Proudmoore / Madmortem, Echsenkessel / Taerar / Mal’Ganis and Azshara / Krag’jin.
This is one possible variation, there might be others that I have not yet thought through.
I have now covered all EU regions, I think. I hope I did not miss any realms from the non-English ones. my head hurts, rubs eyes