New RPer seeking help!

I have discords in my trench coat-

Argent Dawn EU Roleplay - it’s mainly for advertising events but there are also channels you can use to set up roleplay, and there’s a channel that contains discord links to any advertised communities, and there’s a lot that are very much alive! -

The Violet Vanguard - Hallowfall (Dunelle’s Kindness); It’s a TWW RP community based in Hallowfall! They organize RP in a singular shard, and events of course! - I recommend reading up here first: [TWW Neutral RP Hub] The Violet Vanguard: Hallowfall

And here’s a regular travel RP community I run! Usually we pick an environment for a caravan to pass through that dearly needs people to make it work and people to protect it, but in the future we may organize some Hillsbrad-centered public RP too.
Our shtick is inclusivity, so don’t be shy to literally talk to us!
Currently we’re stuck in Khaz Algar dealing with the aftermath of Dalaran - if that sounds interesting, feel free to join on in! Otherwise feel free to hang out for any future opportunities! Or random RP, people are always up for it -

Any additional discord I’d list is actually very much included in the first discord I’ve linked! There’s a lot of friendly and helpful people in all of the above discords. I wish you a lot of fun digging into them :two_hearts: