New RPer seeking help!

Hello fellow adventurers,

I’ve been playing WoW for a little while now, and while I’m still learning the ins and outs of the lore I’ve been dipping my toes into roleplay. I’m not new to the concept, I’ve roleplayed in other games before and enjoy tabletop - but I’m finding it super hard to find some roleplay for my character outside of Stormwind and I’m not getting the experiences I’d hoped for there.

Hoping to reach out here and get some info on what maps I might try my luck with for roleplay, and if there are any Discords for roleplayers where I can meet people and maybe set up adventures? Any and all comments welcome.

Thanks for reading. :lion: :heart:


There definitely seems to be a lot of roleplay going on at the moment across Isle of Dorn and under Khaz Algar, and the best way to get in on it is to join a guild, I’d say! There are a raft of guild advertisements on the forums; there are too many to list and I know too few to make recommendations, but maybe you’ll find one to suit your character? The good thing about guilds is that through them you can have experiences not dissimilar from TTRPG sessions.

In the past I might have pointed you towards Dalaran, but it’s fallen out of the sky!

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There were a number of discords for various locations people tended to congregate, I sadly don’t have links but hopefully someone will provide some.

If you give people an idea of the concept for your character and what RP you’re looking for you may get a few guild recommendations too.


Good point I left that out! I’m trying not to be too far-reaching with my limited WoW lore knowledge so I’ve went with a human fighter archetype, shield & board defender, good-aligned and a country bumpkin. I considered elves too but in the end I kinda just like the premise of the scrappy, spirited human.

But I’m interested in bigger-than-life stories and high-fantasy, even if she’s a pretty ‘base’ sort of character for the timebeing. Not that it always needs to be that, and grounded simpler RP is fun too! But I want my character to ‘level up’ as it were and become more powerful through her experiences.


I have discords in my trench coat-

Argent Dawn EU Roleplay - it’s mainly for advertising events but there are also channels you can use to set up roleplay, and there’s a channel that contains discord links to any advertised communities, and there’s a lot that are very much alive! -

The Violet Vanguard - Hallowfall (Dunelle’s Kindness); It’s a TWW RP community based in Hallowfall! They organize RP in a singular shard, and events of course! - I recommend reading up here first: [TWW Neutral RP Hub] The Violet Vanguard: Hallowfall

And here’s a regular travel RP community I run! Usually we pick an environment for a caravan to pass through that dearly needs people to make it work and people to protect it, but in the future we may organize some Hillsbrad-centered public RP too.
Our shtick is inclusivity, so don’t be shy to literally talk to us!
Currently we’re stuck in Khaz Algar dealing with the aftermath of Dalaran - if that sounds interesting, feel free to join on in! Otherwise feel free to hang out for any future opportunities! Or random RP, people are always up for it -

Any additional discord I’d list is actually very much included in the first discord I’ve linked! There’s a lot of friendly and helpful people in all of the above discords. I wish you a lot of fun digging into them :two_hearts:


Welcome to WoW rp! I’ve roleplayed on a variety of games and mediums now over the years, starting with Club Penguin, Runescape, progressing onwards to D&D and so on, and Argent Dawn has truly been my favourite roleplay experience.

The discord’s that Raikhu posted are honestly the best place to start, with the ADeu discord offering a daily list of what roleplay is planned and around. It also has links to many of the other discord communities around the server.

What roleplay you get outside of Stormwind really depends on what you’re looking for, with Duskwood availiable for more Grimdark and serious tones, while Booty Bay seems like a hub that would suit your character more. I myself rp in Booty Bay regularly, and there’s typically a few people knocking around even if it isn’t as populated as other hubs. On Wednesdays I always see someone called Maggie hosting fun events and games around 8pm server time!

Argent Archives is also a wonderful place to look for roleplay, and it’s where events not on the discords are likely to be advertised on. The site’s a touch outdated and clunky, but hey it does the job more than fine!

If you don’t mind me being a bit of a shill for a minute, but it sounds like the Meridian Edict may be the type of roleplay you’re after too! We’re a faction-neutral guild that offers long-term D&D style campaign stories, where your character can earn new tools and equipment through roleplay, and their character growth and development ties into our stories. We love naturally evolving characters over time, and having them learn themselves and their abilities via roleplay rather than spawning in super strong. Your characters decisions change the path of the personally-tailored stories, as well as the side-plots that affect the daily roleplay.

We offer many other things, that would be a bit much to spam this thread with, so you’re welcome to check out our own thread if that interests you!

The Meridian Edict roleplays near daily, so if you see us out and about you’re always welcome to drop in and join us. Booty Bay is our most common haunt right now!



Welcome to the roleplay side of things.

Finding RP can be hard, but as others have already said: communities, guilds, discord.

One thing I will say is that it’s very different from tabletop roleplay. Tabletop allows a lot of agency to interact with both the overall lore of the world built by the GM and the ability to act with the surroundings. WoW has really none of that, so it’s a good thing to keep in mind that you’re limited in how much you can act to change things.

I think I’m preaching to the choir though, so apologies if that comes off as “well duh I already knew that”.

I’d honestly say skip Stormwind because it’s hit or largely miss for what you sound like you’re after. TWW has invigorated RP in the new zones, Hallowfall and Dornogal especially. People tend to flock to hubs, but guilds and communities do run events.

Don’t do this constantly, but if you’re looking around about 8pm+ server time, use TRP character scans to see if there’s any group activity going on. Might help you see hotspots of activity or get connections. Just don’t be the person who TRP scans for metagaming reasons.


I’d personally say that starting small is a good way to do that! If your character doesn’t know much about what’s going on, both you and your character can learn things at the same time and your character will be able to make their own opinion, basing on what and how they learn!

It is also absolutely possible to have your character “grow” in roleplay! For example, Ksar here has started with throwing a rock to an ancient spirit, because literally everything else he could do wouldn’t be too effective (the rock was). Now he is a war veteran with a lot of knowledge, experience, emotional baggage and so on, who is using all that to help with problems the Meridian Edict faces - as well as trying to resolve his own problems and make peace with his past.

Ultimately, I’d say that the main thing is for -you- to like the character you are going to play as! If you don’t like your character or have a hard time to roleplay their personality/background/etc, you won’t like playing as them, even if it is the “best” option and that character fits the guild you have found perfectly.


I see many already have send you aid. Welcome to Argent Dawn and have fun roleplaying! I hope you soon find your place within the server <3

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Stormwind serves as a main hub, dalaran also used to have it’s own rp community, but dalaran folks are preparing to pick a new hub icly, it will probably be valdrakken they have their own discord page as well.

Apart from that you also less populated and a bit rough are Ashenvale and Duskwood, latter one can be a bit…extreme at times.

You can also check for rp events on the middle right part of the page! Anything ranging from big story campaigns to small campfire gatherings!

Also welcome to warcraft rp! Lately I have been seeing a lot of returning and new faces and it’s a blast, I hope you enjoy your stay!

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Haven’t seen anybody mention it here but outside of Stormwind the largest Alliance hub is easily the Stromgarde community. The discord has over 800 members and we do regular large scale campaigns, such as the one taking us to the Isle of Dorn at the end of the month. Worth checking the guilds out there and seeing if any suit the type of RP you’re looking for.


Hey there, Leonetta!

First of all: Welcome to the world of Roleplay!

Seeing as you are leaning into the High-fantasy recipes, i can point you out to the Obsidian Legion! It’s an guild that dives exactly into that sorts of RP, with campaigns taking place to defeat different kinds of enemies that like to use them magics!

If you are looking for Communities, i would highly reccomend the Dracthyr Conclave community. While it is mostly filled with Dracthyrs, the Conclave has many peeps who are not such, and overall is super friendly and very much open to RP!

This is the Link to the Conclave’s discord, if you are interested in the guild instead, we have an post right about it in the Guild and Communities section ^^

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Hello and welcome to argent dawn roleplay :slight_smile: just gonna slide right in as well, if you want stick your toes into Horde RP, there is a few social events coming up Kosh’harg and the Eversong Tournament.


Thanks to everyone for all the ideas, suggestions & welcomings it’s a really nice feeling and I’m excited to start working my way through all the ideas and options! WoW RP really is an iceberg after now I’ve discovered Argent Archives!

I hope to see you all. :crossed_swords:


Argent Dawn is by far the largest server on what is, as far as I’m aware, the largest MMO for roleplay by some distance! Enjoy spelunking in that iceberg!

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Hi, and welcome to AD RP :smiley: We’re really glad to have you.

If you want, please stop by The Curious Octopus on wednesdays, we run a beginner RPer-friendly bar there. No need to know anything beforehand (but TRP and the Listener Addons are recommended). Just stop by and hang with us :slight_smile:

The bar is in Boralus Harbor, open 8pm - 10pm (ish) every wednesday.

Feel free to whisper me anytime in game on Zakariye or Briseia!