New Rune For every class?

What new rune should every class get?

I play warrior and i will love to see a rune like Avatar, Colosus Smash or even Titan grip,

Avatar would be cool to get imunity to stun root and snare. We as warrior we have nothing in pvp. only the trinket.

I would like either instant GW, or placing all totems down at once. (as a shaman)

As a rogue i would like cloak of shadows:P

As a warlock i would love to get the curse of Recklessness -armor effect added to curse of agony and doom so it is no longer a dps loss to use reck.

Or other way around: add any sort of self benefit to curse of reck.
Damage ticks or debuff that gives 5% extra damage done for all warlocks who have the rune equipped.

I would like to see a cross class rune.
For example, everyone can pick 1 of 16 available cross class skills.
But depending on skill it should have a very high cooldown.

But I guess everyone would pick vanish or bubble. :sweat_smile:

I’d like a rune that allows classes and specs to be balanced in PvP.

You’re playing the wrong game; WoW PVP has always been a mess (yes, even in your precious Pandiarrhoea expansion) and PVP in Classic (of which SoD is based) has always been seen as a mini-game.

‘Curse of reckless agonising doom!’

You know what ? I don’t give a poop about your opinion. PvE is a mini-game for all I see. Scripted content you farm in a couple of hours a week.
And if I want a balanced mini-game, what that got to do with you ?
Didn’t play Pandaria but looks like you’re still hurt about it. Did you roll in a PvP server ?

That’s cute, but it’s not an opinion. Look at Blizzard’s lack of ‘PVP’ orientated updates, they have little interest in creating anything for PVP.

Well, you’re playing the wrong game. This game is based on the Classic engine, to balance PVP they’d have to completely rework racial abilities and talent trees; something that they can’t do because it would end up affecting Classic-Era.

I played on PVP servers from TBC → BFA, which is when PVP servers were removed and ‘Warmode’ took its place.

Yet people come back for it again, and again and again.

They created brand new PvP events on nearly every phase.

Hmm, no they don’t.

Tell me you’re not playing on a pvp server on SoD now ?

But never stay long.

Did they really?

The Ashenvale event was a PVE boss race.

The Stranglethorn event was a PVP event sure, I quite enjoyed it too. But that’s two phases, what did they create after that?

Oh? Something as little as allowing pole-arms to be equippable by druids messed up the Classic-Era servers, so too did giving the Alliance the Might of Stormwind buff.

Blizzard are a bunch of potatos and the codes are intertwined, SoD isn’t a unique gamemode.

Not anymore, no.


Some of us have been here for near twenty years.

For hunters. Disengage and Deterrence(or aspect of the turtle) for PvP.
PvE - Redesign trap launcher to hit the target(fine if it only works in PvE) since many bosses have a wired hitbox :smiley:

Feral druid. Make feral charge work in cat form aswell in PvP
PvE, make savage roar passive buff

PvP has always been a just for fun feature only, it will never be balanced.
That’s why arena and ratings don’t exist in classic.
I think it takes a lot more fundamental changes to improve PvP in classic.

However, for a game that was originally never made for PvP, Open World and BGs environment is not too bad.

If i could get them to fix 1 more rune it would be a rune for priests. I want a rune that give us light form. This rune would give us same bonus that shadow form gives but for holy damage so we can playe Smitepriest.

For druids, it’s easy!

Give us convoke, the most balanced spell when it was first made, as shoulder rune :slight_smile:

As for warrior, now with the t2 tier bonus set, colosus smash or avatar would be perfect. either if we are arms or fury. and would work just fine in pvp too.

Let hope some one from the staff are reading thos posts

mobility or interupt on hunter

I come with a new idee for warriors. Spell reflect rune!! How cool would be to have a spell reflect rune what hold for like 1-2 sec or to reflect 1-2 spells. This would be even usefull in PvE aswell while tanking. Please bring some joy in this class.

Warriors have Shield Wall, 75% reduced damage for 10 sec (15 with talent).
T2 warriors not only have massive armor and health pool (without last standing) they also got victory rush 30% heal of total HPs after killing an enemy. It’s great in 1vsX in PvP and Trash in PvE (including elite mobs).

Replacing victory rush rune with spell reflect would be a great option vs single target (casters). But I don’t think this is going to happen bc Prot warris are a fortress already. :sweat_smile:

I would rather they just fixed some of the existing runes that aren’t good. Especially for rogue

Most importantly. Make the tier 1 tanking bonus of cloak runes baked into the just a flesh wound rune. And make T1 set bonus make those have double threat again. Would sort out the MAJOR snap threat issue rogue tanks have

Buff carnage back so that Cut to the chase isn’t better than it for alot of situations in bwl. A very very simple rotation shouldn’t ever be on par with a much more complex one.

Redo main gauche again. Saber slash is better than it in every aspect apart from a very rare required 100% parry. But when rogue can hit avoidance cap now 100% parry is pointless and Saber slash even with Main gauches 50% more threat mod is MORE threat :person_facepalming:

Buff quick shot to open up a different game play loop potential

Change between the eyes from a stun to a buff or something sort. For example. Between the eyes removes the CD of quick shot for X seconds x CP. Quick shot damage in PvE increase by 100%

For mages I’d like to see a +100% shield power added to Ice Barrier. It could be on Ice Lance.
For new rune, I’d like to get Slow, an instant cast that slows enemy movement by 50%.
And something for Fire spec, either a dragon’s breath or the ability to cast scorch while moving.