New Season of Discovery Realm - Chaos Bolt (PvP)

The guys who moved to Chaos bolt are retail tourists and they will quit after max 7-10 days,long term players are all on Living Flame,unlock the damn server i dont mind to wait in queue,who want to play on ghost town server,the same will happen with Lone Wolf,they indeed will be lone wolf’s

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Blizzard, could you please allow free character transfers, at all levels, from locked realms? I leveled up a bunch of characters without getting any of them to 10 and would like take all of my progress with me to a new server just like you’ve asked us to do.

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Hopefully chaos bolt will increase in popularity! Starting zones atleast busier than other realms.

BS, just want to try playing with friends who can’t join on LF, so we had to switch servers

it will be good if so, but many believe that this server is doomed, and the assets are not players for a paid transfer of characters

Please open transfers from this realm to Lava Lash or Crusader Strike. We were falsely advertised an RP-PVP server and my friend and I got to level 20 before even noticing it changed. We feel betrayed.

We came for the RP!


i Started here to avoid the chaos of watining in que for Crusader Strike this was advertised as RPPVP server and now its PVP. I DONT WANT TO PLAY on PVP realm or i would have chose one of the other servers.

Merge the servers or offer up free transfer to the appropriate realms at least for the people who created chars when this was labeled as RPPVP., or change the tag back to what it was - its just a button click away

How is this not actionable in court ? it’s false advertising you waste peoples time and money

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Open Chaos Bolt

If anyone would like to join, we have a Discord server created:

wtb realm transfers, chaos bolt already on medium pop and its hard time finding even enchanter at 8pm on thursday evening.

its dying boys… hard to get a bfd or pvp group going after 10-11pm~

also some of the worst players i’ve seen on chaos bolt