New Season of Discovery Realm - Chaos Bolt (PvP)

Can Blizzard please add which servers have high population as right now they all say New…and Living Flame says “This realm’s login queue is full and cannot accept more players. Please choose another realm” with no free transfer, we PAY for this service, atleast make it easier for us.

Why was it announced and release as an RP-PVP server and changed today? Ghosting everyone on this is silly, provide the explanation if there is one. It would have made more sense to create a new thread explaining the change rather than edit this one and remove any trace that you announced a second RP-PVP server.


I think the reason is:

In US, Crusader Strike is infested by streamer and is huge (the same size as Living Flame in EU).
They opened up a new RP-PVP realm in US, and for EU as a new realm for the Living Flame player.

That it was created as a RP-PVP realm was probably a mistake, since Crusader Strike was never so big, that the login queue was full.

Sucks for the roleplayer who started there, though.

But Crusader seems to have an active RP community (based on their discord).
If you don´t mind to move, it´s maybe an alternative.


I just spent 4 hours in the queue to join my friends to now finally get on and I cannot make a character on Living Flame EU with all of my friends

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Yes, I 100% agree with this… Not much people in EU was actually going to play on rppvp, but on US even Asmongold can cloged the server alone

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The server was labeled as RP-PvP in the beginning. For EU players. If it was a bug or you decide to change it after several hours, you should offer a new alternative + free transfer for your paying customers. Why could we not just get 1 additional RP-PvP realm and 1 PvP realm? Sorry but that’s not good business practice.


It will die in 7 days we want to be on Living Flame

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Already dead server, thanks for waisting our time :))))

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Seriously… I wanted to be on a RP server. I’m level 15 now after I spent my day off levelling up, now you change the server tag?!

Oh, and the server feels near dead. I can go for 5 minutes in Westfall without seeing another player.


All these doomsayers saying the realm is dead.

There is a bug that puts you into a ghost layer with like no one around for whatever reason. You can fix that by going into a town and relog.

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I will mark your nick for later,when you cry here how you are alone,and want a free char transfer to another realm,when hype is gone Chaos is dead if not now


You can do that. Maybe you should take games not too serious. I already stated that most of these realms will be “dead” soon after the hype and what will happen as of last season.

I don’t care as I am aware and I am just stating out an obvious bug and a solution to its fix for people to actually see other people playing and not just 1-3.

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Kaivax play on chaos bolt by yourself. My friends are on living flame, I’d rather skip SOD instead of playing alone without friends on DEAD realm


How can I replace this bug? I want to have it as well!

You would find soon enought that it was just flooded with non RPers, because they couldn’t get to Living Flame and Lone Wolf PvP and desided to envade RP-PvP instead. Blizzard understood that there is damage done regardless and it is easier to root out RPers, that explain to 90% of the realm that they are OOC and other RP stuff I suppose.

What kindergarden is this? I chose to play on that very server because it was announced as RP-PVP server. Please do offer free character transfers to Crusader Strike then, if you are not capable to decide something like this in your team before communicating externally.

What a shame!

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logging out in an inn and back in sometimes causes it (no capital cities)

Let us transfer from Living Flame to this server. Stop wasting our time

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Chaos bolt losing its niche and becoming regular PVP server while also being lowest pop of PVP servers pretty much guaranties it will turn into a ghost town.

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dont waste time on this server, make preassure so they open living flames again, this server will be a graveyard in couple weeks, it always happened with latest servers after a launch

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