New server connections, incoming!

This is great news!
Personally, I hope that we merge with ER/DMF. Argent Dawn is luckily not a candidate - since while I am sad that our server is so quiet, AD is way too much of a good thing these days… way too much.

As for the RP-PVP bunch, they seem to have a decent population on their own, so I doubt they get merged with us. I wouldn’t mind if they do - but my biggest hope and most realistic guess is that it’ll at least be us and ER/DMF. Yay! :slight_smile:

(Edit: Gah, wrong char - classic one, even. I want an edit-char-button somewhere, pfft!)


That was actually really helpful Anroka. Was never really too sure about the difference between sharding and cross realm zones…

Also waiting really excitedly for an announcement by Blizzard. As I’m casually dabbling into AD these days for RP fixes, I’d personally love an RP super server, but I agree that it’s unlikely and also un-ideal especially for the AD community. As our own RP communities are largely outnumbered by OOCers, imagine the public outcry on AD if they get all these non-RPers stacked on their server… Also I’m sure our more casual RP approach on our server might clash with the server atmosphere over there.

Really REALLY hoping for a Sha’Glade Cartel - ER / DMF super cluster though. Would not even worry that they have their own fair share on non-RPers - as open world RP is not really a thing anymore here, our communities are used to limit their RP endeavours to select hubs, or play guild- and event- based. A server merge is unlikely to change that, but at least our numbers will be bolstered :slight_smile:


The most recent connections they just announced were between some fairly small realms. I’m thinking they might not touch Mid-pop realms like ours.

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They have been trying servers in Russia and Germany and such that were medium level. Also Earthen Ring/Darkmoon Faire is smaller than we are.

The main problem is that their first server merger attempts were unsuccessful. They had two failed ones. The German one succeeded, but had some giant bugs that are still not fixed, with the AH and guilds. It makes sense that they are focused on the tiniest servers for now, so as to impact the least amount of people, with their next attempt. But I do expect to see more medium servers involved. I just hope they solve all the problems quick, before they get discouraged and give up.


ER/DMF seems dead,at least viewing their forums,the small amount of people there are raid guilds,mostly, usually they are in the same shard with us

I think the recent realm markets, and some social events a few months back, were initiated and hosted by ER/DMF guilds, so they can’t be completely dead, unless they died very recently… Their open world RP may very well be as dead as ours, or even deader, for all I know, though.

Not everyone uses the forums though, so who knows. There may be a few gems hidden out there.


Actually, those were from the Defias Brotherhood cluster.

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I have a Dwarf on DMF, those gems are hidden pretty well,if they exist

I’m not saying they do or don’t. But on Defias Brotherhood for example, I found an RPer by chance, messaged them, and was invited to a discord, which was completely packed with roleplayers.
Granted I have since left said discord because one of the mods was a bit err… I won’t speak ill of people, let’s just say I didn’t get on with them.
But there were a lot of lovely people there too.

When i returned to WoW after skipping most of WoD and the beginning of Legion i played on AD and once when i was so angry on the AD people i randomly chosed Moonglade to transfer my main. I didn’t know anything about this server but i swear i met the most friendly people here in my entire life… I moved here around the time they put in Argus but the low population in the Horde side made me transfer away after Legion ended. My original realm is Stormrage but that is even more underpopulated than Moonglade/Shatar/SWC… ngl when i heard they merging realms again i felt tears in my eyes that finally maybe after 6 years i can go home to Stormrage but than i remembered that all the people i knew back then there stopped playing or moved away also… If Moonglade will receive a bit more life like EarthenRing/DMF I think I’m coming back here :smiley: it would be nice to get the Defias people also, the more the better, but i really want to avoid AD… I could never get along with AD people, when i said something that didn’t fit their taste they stacked report on me and silenced my account for weeks, I’ve been silenced for a totall of 37 days if i count it right but only on AD lol… so yeah, thumbs up for Moonglade, i’m really looking forward whats going to happen:) it would be nice to have all of my Horde and Ally characters on the same realm and be a part of an actuall community


Personally I am all for getting both new roleplayers and oocers here for the fact that I play on both sides on it. While being relatively new to RP in general I would be happy to be given the chance to see more activity on blue side. Also making it easier to find more people to play mythic + with.

AD is highly unlikely as it is full and besides would we really want to be linked with them anyway?

ER/DMF is the one if we get a connection at all. We’re marked medium after all.


AD is a hellhole , best decision of my life was that i left that place

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Didn’t you say in the other thread that you have no experience with roleplay, though? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Might be that AD feels like a hellhole even if one doesn’t RP? I’m just guessing, never been there myself.

they plead to Blizz to ban non rpers,and harrass people,heck,they reported my AD alt when i tried leveling,because why not

They plead to Blizzard to get non-RPers away the realm and put in measures that will lower the amount of OOCers in the future. Which I personally consider to be a good thing for an RP realm, and which I support wholeheartedly–far too many people come to reap the rewards of being on an RP realm without any intention of preserving it, and then realms end up where ours is now.

There is a total of over 70 realms (counting separately) made for OOCers where they can play according to their playstyle. It’s not like they have nowhere else to go.


I don’t have a problem with non-RPers, as long as they respect RP. Then I can see them as wallpaper.


same here,but RPers also play ooc

I have very little but i spent enough time on AD