New server connections, incoming!

RPers who do PvE content are still RPers. I am talking about OOCers, that is people who don’t roleplay and only do generic OOC content.

ok,what i meant to say,is i got reported for for doing pve,when i was flagged ooc on trp, even when i do rp

Wow really? That’s just dumb. Sorry that happened to you.

And yeah I’d love a merge between ER and Moonglade as ER is my original server from vanilla days (Alliance Herald anyone?) and would love the nostalgia to be merged with all the moonglade nostalgia I have.

Played on AD a while last year and it was… special. Very very clique oriented and you got ignored if you just walked up and tried to rp with people. At least in the belf/silvermoon community.


My casual alts and I
(in both factions)
shall cling desperately to you great people I know on Sha’glade Cartel

(and possibly perhaps meet new RPers from time to time, if the stars align :scream: )

and otherwise just… wait & see what happens with realm merging.


I really hope this is on their radar, we desperately need it at this point.

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So DMF is getting connected to Defias but Moonglade not, and this makes me think that they want to merge Moonglade into AD and if this is the case than my sadness is immeasurable

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Fingers extremely tightly crossed Moonglade doesn’t get merged into AD


Smashes Panic button

While I doubt it… and am just hoping they’re just merging that cluster first, Blizz have merged some realms into high-pop ones, haven’t they?


Yea they did

I think Moonglade would not merge with AD,but we wont get any other server either

I was honestly shocked to see that Earthen Ring / DMF will be merged with the former RPPvP realms (who already have a healthy population) while we’re just left behind.
It would have made so much sense to merge us with Earthen Ring / DMF.

Merging us with AD makes no sense at all, they are already overcrowded and filled to the brink - but leaving us alone with no merge makes no sense either with such low pop and small economy. Am confused. Meh :frowning:

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I am shook. But hey, maybe it means this will become one massive cluster of servers to rival the giant that is Argent Dawn. A group of 10 servers vs. 1 raid boss seems fair.

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Looks like there are four options for what will happen to us on the [Moonglade/Steamwheedle Cartel/The Sha’tar]

  • Merged with the 7 rp servers they seem to be currently merging
  • Merged with AD
  • They ignore realm types and merge us with who knows what server(s)
  • No merge

The first three options will likely create some chaos, however I highly prefer either of them to the last one.

I am not sure if they can only merge two servers (or clusters) at a time and then have to add additional ones in seperate merger(s) later or if the seven way merge is final

Then again if they merge across realm types then who knows who we might end up with


I really don’t think they’d now merge us into the other cluster. They would already if they were going to.

Now… Argent Dawn… I’m dreading that prospect.

What if… they slam some non-RP realms into us…


They are slamming Dragonblight and Ghostlands that used to be PvE servers to Karazan/Maelstrom/Lightning’s Blade PvP servers

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That’s seriously disappointing, been so certain this 5 way merge would happen. Guess being a medium pop server did not come as a blessing after all…
Hope they still consider tacking us on for a RP super server with the newly formed cluster.


I think the major thing here is that with the introduction of War Mode, there is now virtually no difference between the old PvP and PvE realms. RP realms, however, still have their distinctive tag, so I think we -should- be safe…

Then again, they merged a large Portugese realm with one of the international realms, so… Welp.


We’re still a lot more likely to be merged with the other cluster than with AD. But yeah. There is a risk we won’t get to merge at all now. That would be a disaster… Please, Blizzard…


I really wanted to come back to Moonglade for Shadowlands, some amazing people are here but the low pop and slow economic life in the AH is killing me tbh… don’t really wanna end it on Defias but neither to stay on Sylvanas where i am right now, but definitely not going to end up on AD… ffs… it really hurts…

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Don’t lose hope just yet my friends.

According to some experts on the General forums, it is still very likely that we will get the merger with ER/DMF and Defias as well. And they just started with the smaller realm of ER/DMF because it is easier to add to the cluster. Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers: