New Shaman Tank for the Next Expansion

Let me correct that for you:

ALL warrior specs (DD included) have a 15s MELEE interrupt. ALL shaman specs have a 12s RANGED interrupt.

If you nerf it for shaman tanks you need to nerf it for 3 other shaman specs too. And then there is the ranged problem. If you make it melee you also do it for all other shaman specs. Which would mean RShaman and Elemental (ranged specs) have a MELEE kick.

See what I mean ? Does it sound familiar (Druids) ?

The problem is that if you give druids on top a defensive that they need they would be OP. And that is why they don’t have it yet. For the same reason Priest is the only healer with out a kick or CC. They would be OP if combined with the rest of their kit.

Its not just ONE skill. Its the combination of ALL skills. It’s what I wanted to say, and you picked just ONE of them (the slow). Tanks need a certain kit. Healers another kit. And Ranged/Melee their own kit as well.

And if you have too many skills available (or too few), with the current way talents and classes are made, you can risk giving a class all 4 kits simultaneously, or not enough of what it needs. Which is what happens to Druid. And it has problems.

I am being super, duper, duper clear here. How more clear can you get ?

I dont want to go agains shaman tanks at all costs. I dont mind a tank shaman in fact. But I will re-post my coments from other similar posts:

Having 4 specs in 1 class is not all “sunshine and rainbows”. Everything has a cost in life. Thinking that everything is “easy” and “consequence free” is a very naive way of living your life.

And from what I have seen, and Blizzards 20 year long track record, I dont want to pay that price. Simply put its not worth destroying 3 specs so we can get 1 tanking spec. That potentially might be ignored like BM monk is.

I am just being realistic here ! And that is why im against a Shaman Tank.

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