New spec to demon hunter

Either you’re missing the sarcasm in my post, or I’m missing it in yours :slight_smile:

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Delete button is the best spec for this ogre proof class.

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Did the bad dh kill you ingame?

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No , they only kill my braincells just by watching them. Can’t imagine what kind of damage they cause to players who actually bother playing them. :clown_face:

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try one in rated pvp. theres more to it then you imagine.

but i guess fury warr, frost dk, ret pala, firemage and destrolock spamming GP and CB are rocket science in comparison.

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Everyone who’s hardstuck on 1700 for 5 expansion is instantly a 2400+ just by playing DH. I lost a game against dh on 2700 mmr yesterday. Poor guy had 0 interrupts and 3 fel erruptions as CC on my healer for 6:32 min game. Winning games on such mmr just by doing nothing but mashing a target for 40k+ dps is hilarious. But ye , anything is rocket science compared to DH even holy priest , believe it or not.

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Big difference between bad/mediocre dh and a good dh.

Not everyone knows how to take full advantage of that unmatched mobility. Not everyone knows how to use dampening, see a lot of them dr-stunning-manarift and healer gets away.

Sounds easy to blame the class. DH are strong in 2v2 but not the strongest. In 3v3 its not very strong. Maybe you guys did some mistakes, and maybe the guy dh playing with was great / carrying him / boosting him ?

Not really. Most specs are pretty brainless these days. Some more then others but i would rather put dh in the same boat as the specs mentioned above, they are by no means more complex. Maybe ret pala is a little bit more complex when it comes to correct use of utility in rated pvp.

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