New store mount looks great

Can confirm, i got the sylvian dreamer in bfa with 1 month left of my 6 month subscription

So why do you want the mount? You’re leaving…

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Well, I am nothing more than a dumb customer, I see a brand new blog post on the 19th May saying "NEW MOUNT", I assume it’s a new mount.

On that same page is a big ol’ button that says “purchase 6 month subscription”.

So, had I clicked that button to acquire what is advertised as a new mount, and then logged in today to see another 6 month mount when I still have >4 months left, do I get the new mount or do I feel cheated?

In 4 months yeah, not yet. We’ll see if I get it or not.

I understand now why you’re an MVP :laughing:

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If your sub is still active people say yes, if you cancelled it straight away or since then it’s up for debate.

From the store page << If you’re currently on a 6-month recurring subscription with a future renewal date, you’ll receive Sapphire Skyblazer as a gift in your desktop app at no additional charge no later than July 13, 2021 (must be redeemed by December 31, 2021). >>

I don’t have a future renawal date. RIP.

I mean you are still quitting so I don’t get why you’re bothered about not getting a mount you probably won’t use and if you do only for a couple of months :man_shrugging:

Always look on the bright side of life and all that.


It’s not about the mount, it’s about the gesture, if I had cancelled my sub the last week before the renewal I would’ve gotten the mount but because I cancelled it early in light of the poor quality of 9.1 I’m getting shafted.

Just another great decision by Blizzard.

Looks great. But I can’t see myself paying 25€ for it. Maybe if it goes on sale some day.

If it makes you feel better, I had subscribed and unsubbed on the same day for 6 months last year, and on the very same day the sprite darter set went out, so if I wanted it - I had to resub again for 6 months.

Also the reason how I know this :rofl:

It’s a free gift to people who have the recurring six monthly sub who they know are going to renew :man_shrugging:

You are no longer a loyal customer they have nothing to thank you for, they owe you nothing, you decided to leave because you weren’t happy with the product but now want the free shiny…

It’s like going to the same Chinese takeaway every week and getting free chips with your meal then deciding you don’t like their food anymore so will no longer go there but still expecting the free chips :joy:

Edit: you did get Lucky Yun for the last 6 month sub you paid for btw didn’t you? So you got a free mount after all.


How about the £1500-2000 total I’ve spent on WoW over the years?

How about Blizz have some loyalty to customers who’ve paid way more than a sensible price over many years, and are now feeling a bit cheated by the current evolution of the game?


How about all the free mounts they’ve already given :man_shrugging:

Including the tree that didn’t even need a sub purchase.

The free pets that didn’t need a charity contribution.

The yearly gifts on their anniversary.

This year’s free blizzconline

The hours and hours of entertainment you’ve had for your money.

I pay £20 a month for a TV subscription, I get 100s of on demand TV shows and movies and the company don’t give me half the free stuff blizz do for half the price I pay them for a lot more entertainment.

Simple fact: if you aren’t happy with wow, if you aren’t enjoying it anymore stop playing it, stop paying for it. If it’s no longer giving you value a free mount won’t change that.

Personally I’m still having fun and enjoying wow so I’m happy to pay for it and when I get a free mount it’s a pleasant perk but if I had cancelled my sub I wouldn’t care because I’d not be playing any more.


Or it’s like a middle finger to a customer who paid for a monthly sub for years.

Sorry I can’t wrap my head around the fact that you’re defending a practice like that but the fact that you added that joy emoji kinda helps understanding.

I don’t mind giving credit when credit is due and Blizzard is not all bad but this is just disgusting, given the current situation in the MMO landscape I’m not sure they should keep being so greedy.



Why does it have to look good? :weary:

But no, I shall not renew my 6 months subscription. Not even for a pretty mount. Not this time.

They’ve also just thrown up their €80 pre-purchase bundle on Hearthstone for its newest expansion. I’m not sure I’m strong enough to resist that, because Hearthstone is on a roll! But I’m not going to pay for 6 months of WoW subscription when Blizzard’s recent track record is so bad with regards to content delivery. The mount sweetens the deal, but it does not seal the deal.

What I need for a 6 months subscription is not a mount, it is a schedule that shows when I can expect new content and what that content is. I want to know what I am paying for!!

I want something like this:
Civilization VI: New Frontier Pass

Dates for when it is and descriptions of what it is. Not a freaking mount!!! Is that too much to ask for in 2021?!

I mean, c’mon! :tired_face:


Really cool mount :slightly_smiling_face:

But you had your free mounts for all those subs…

You cancelled your sub, not me, not blizzard but you!

The six months your currently waiting out got you Lucky Yun, a free 6 month sub mount.

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You could buy it for gold :smiling_imp:

Can I buy just the chips and not the other stuff? Love chips, not so keen on the other stuff :no_mouth: Though what will I get for free when chips is the main purchase?